Mayor, Police Chief Thank Agencies For Assisting During Hurricane Irene

VIDEO: Mayor Menashe MillerĀ and Committeeman Meir Lichtenstien this evening presented certificates to various agencies for their assistance during the recent Hurricane Irene. Accepting the awards, were the Lakewood Fire Department, Lakewood EMS, Lakewood First Aid, Hatzolah, Chaveirim and LCSW. The Mayor says, the organizations went ‘above and beyond their call of duty’ during the storm, providing the much needed assistance.

Police Chief Rob Lawson also thanked the agencies, saying the assistance they provided relieved the Police Department from many calls during the Hurricane.

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  1. What a nice thing to do. Well deserved by ALL these and all other agencies which assisted during the storm. Thank you the town appreciates what you do for us.

  2. I volunteer for one of the above mentioned orgnizations. In all honesty it feels good to be appreciated and respected for waht we do.
    Thank you Mayor Miller and town committee.

  3. Just curious though what this certificate actually means to anybody in particular. Also with these agencies being run by multitudes of people who actually gets to hang the certificate up and where does it get hung up? Not knocking just asking a fair question.

  4. Cool masmid
    Maybe it gets thrown in the garbage. What’s the difference does it have to get hung up somewhere? Maybe the point is just to show appreciation for there outstanding service to the community and not about the “plaque” per say

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