Mayor Miller: Reflectors For Pedestrians Available Free Of Charge

Following two recent incidents of pedestrians struck by vehicles, the issue of reflectors has once again been a topic of discussion in the opinion section of TLS. This morning, TLS spoke with Mayor Menashe Miller who said his office is giving away free reflector belts, on a first-come-first-serve basis.

“Feel free to stop by my office and pick up a reflector”, the Mayor said. “The reflectors are available to whoever is committed to wearing them”, the Miller said. “We don’t want them just sitting in the closet”.

The Mayor says the office has 100 reflector belts available, which they received from the Ocean County Traffic & Safety Division. TLS.

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  1. Reflectors are very important. But just a note is that the reflector does not decide when one should step onto the street and cross. As pedestrians we also share responsibility to make sure it is safe to cross and to watch the oncoming cars carefully, never assuming a driver will see us only because we have a reflector. A reflector is not an invisible force field.

  2. #4, what shychus? One post says wear a reflector. The other says the reflector in and of itself is not the total solution. You must have written #1. lol

  3. To no 1 and anyone else who thinks reflectors are that important and very “smart” . What amazes me is that so many people think reflectors are the answer. It’s a band-aid on a much bigger problem here in lakewod -total carelessness by drivers and pedestrians. We Need to be more careful when walking in the street. Not wear a reflector which gives them a false sense of security that they can do whatever they want.

  4. If someone/ group of ppl have the means to sponsor reflector belts for all Lakewood pedestrians incl. Bochurim and Meshulachim, I think we could make them mandatory and he’ll have the Zchus of saving many lives!!

    I don’t know about bulk pricing but it will probably be cheap with these kind of volumes…

    I’m ready to help with logistics if needed.

    Tizku LeMitzvos!!

  5. people should wear them by day too in this town the way they cross the streets etc …

    #16 i agree with you but add that we need more traffic light put up around town and fast

  6. TLS – i was just at his office in Town Hall today and got reflector belts for my family. You may have misunderstood the Mayor. He doesn’t just have a hundred, he has hundreds!

  7. this a nightly problem not just on Shabbos. On a dark night it is difficult to see someone dressed in black. To #13 people drive at night n all the time. This could save a life.

  8. Last week, I (driving slowly) almost hit a boy who looked around 16 when I was driving down County Line, by Park ave. He crossed the street in front of me, and I only saw him at the last second. Bh, I didn’t hit him. Last night a boy who looked around 12 rode his bike in front of me on Lexington and 4th. Why don’t the parents make the kids wear reflectors? When it’s cold outside we tell our kids to wear coats, when its dark outside lets tell them to wear reflectors. I would like to be able to drive down the street at night, going the speed limit, without worrying that someone is going to walk in front of me.

  9. To #3 the state law is that when you see a pedestrian U MUST STOP so please don’t make a fool out of your self so when you see a pedestrian trying to cross the street when wearing a reflector u must stop he or she does not have to step in and out of road bec. Your in a rush to get home. you should automatically stop

  10. to yenty- why put in more sidewalks when the residents dont use the ones we already have?

    and to me- i agree. why should the taxpayers have to pay for reflectors? thats not right.

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