VIDEO: As the long Winter nights approach, Mayor Miller has made it his mission to ensure that all street lights in town are fully functional to enhance the safety of pedestrians. The Mayor held up an unpaid bill from JCP&L which he says the town held back from paying due to JCP&L not servicing the street lights which are burnt out.
The Mayor asked this evening for any volunteers who wish to assist in finding all the broken lights, by canvassing the town with maps, in an effort to compile a complete list for JCP&L.
The Mayor says he hopes to have 60-70 volunteers equipped with flashlights to canvass the town on November 27, with each ‘zone’ covered in about 20-30 minutes, per volunteer.
All who wish to participate, are asked to show up on November 27, at the Municipal Auditorium.
Additionally, the Mayor has set up an easy number to contact the Township to notify them about lights which are out. When calling the Township 732-364-2500, enter the numbers corresponding to the letters POLE (7653) and you will be directed to the proper department. TLS.
There is a light pole on 5th st. Between medison and clifton ave. Pole #772 thats not working since at least the fire at classy cleaners, it was already reported severel times a few months ago to jcp&l and its still not fix, every time u call they will just say the ticket is still open… And in the processes of being repaired…
I went to the website and entered the poles that are out in my neighborhood. TWICE – I gave them a month to repair each time…..STILL NOTHING – no repairs. !!! Maybe Occupy JCPL
County just past somerset 2 light poles out
59 is the man keep it up
This is a very amibitous undertaking. Very impressive!
I would like to volunteer. Where do we meet?
Would JCPL not shut off services to Lakewood if he withholds payment?
Throw these (moderated) out, we need competition in the energy market, its the only way to get service at a normal price.
I was just on hold with JCPL for 45 min, then they hung up!
Now if only obama would offer such ambitious campaign promises…
If I do not pay my bill, they will turn off my lights. Not a good example for a politician set. I cannot believe this is the way this matter is approached. A sad day in lakewood.
And free the bus drivers.
This guy is for real. Look at this clip and then look at the clip of employee of the month. When he needs to get things done he jumps on it with gusto and when he needs to be inspirational for an employee of the month he is smilely and charasmatic. The perfect blend of personality for the job.
Keep up the great work!
corner of central and davis, light out.
on New Hampshire Ave between Cedar Bridge Av and Pine St have been out for months. The shorter list is the ones that are still lit.
#8 –
The township has to pay for the streetlight regardless if its working or not. Lets see you pay for your electric bill for electric you did not use.
PS. sounds like you got extra time on your hands to kvetch, maybe volunteer on Nov 27th – see ya then!
A little secret – mark the pole with colored electrical tape about 5 to 6 feet from the ground and then call it in with either a pole number (JC#/BT#) or with the address of the structure closes to the pole.
If a car is parked in front of the pole with a faulty light- it will be bypassed and repairs rescheduled . The area under the light must be free of all obstructions for safety reason.
Faulty lights on busy state, county or local roads with little or no shoulders will take much longer to repair, arraignments for traffic control and bumper trucks are required in certain cases.
If the light is powered by an underground feed it will take even longer to repair.
The color tape makes it easier to locate the faulty light which saves time for those making repairs during the day light hours.
Mr. Miller , good luck with your mission
Hope this helps
ace is behind this goldmine.
he spent hours upon hours on this project.
he really cares about this town and the safety of the peaple of this town.
keep up the great work,and looking fowardto volunteering sunday night
Imperial ct has street lite out for weeks called in still waiting
#1–put in a call to jcp&l and put in a trouble report–they will come out within 24 hours and fix it
With all due respect….Winter nights are LONG!!!! Thanks.
Even on streets where all lights are working, this is the most poorly lit town I have ever lived in!
had a light out in front of my house, called jcpl and it was repaired 2 days later!!
I’m not gonna pay my taxes until the politicians clean up lakewood.
cedar row and walden ave on the corner, will help in our area .
Hey mayor MM, Why not make the same threat that u made to the post office – if they aren’t accommodating Lakewood we will switch to a 3rd party company!!
Now that electric is deregulated there is no shortage of competing electric providers.
called JCPL waiting 3 weeks and still waiting, Imperial Ct
Mayor Miller great idea, the lights will be fixed now because JCP&L don’t like the spotlight. But after you get them fixed will you make it easy for the public to report new outages in the future, most people are not happy with trying to deal with JCP&L.
I would prefer that before Mr. Miler’s term is up my TAXES went down.
To retired repairman- Thanks for the advice! 🙂
Tzvi says “corner of central and davis, light out.”
There is no light there at all.
please put more lights in the albert ave and oak st. area, marlin ave and coral ave.
Menashe you are amazing!
To #17 what do u mean by trouble report? I reported it to jcp&l more than once! And when i asked they should open a new ticket because it looks like the old ticket is stuck in the system, they told me original ticket is still open so they won’t open a new one they will just add a note to the existing ticket… And i guess nobody reads the notes…
Glen ave & knoll light is not working & knoll rd has no light @all its very dark
Good job Mayor Miller! This is great thinkning outside the box. I will be there on Nov 27th. Count me in as a volunteer.
I called the hotline on Friday to report a flickering streetlight in my neighborhood and already tronight I got a confimration call back from the Mayor himself!!!
Mayor Miller, you are truly a selfless dedicated individual that our town is very proud to have you serve us!
I’d like to volunteer my time on Nov 27 for this worthy cause. Where do we meet?
im in for the 27th