Mayor Coles: Storm expected to drop 5-9 inches of snow; Here’s how you can help

winter-storm-warning-snow-tlsA snow storm is on the way for Ocean County, and we are expected to get hit hard.

The National Weather Service has issued a Winter Storm Warning, which will be in effect from 4am-4pm on Thursday.

“Tomorrow’s storm is expected to drop 5-9 inches starting around 3:00AM,” says Lakewood Mayor and DPW Liaison Ray Coles. “If the storm stalls, totals could go over 12 inches.”

The Mayor is asking residents to keep their cars off the street and to put garbage cans on the curb, not in the street.

“Public Works is already mobilizing our own equipment and the outside vendors who helped out during the last storm. We are asking everyone to help them help us by staying off the road as much as possible.”

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  1. To no.1. Actually higher – more humid – temperatures often lend themselves to a much heavier snowfall once temperatures start to drop.

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