The vast majority of doctors don’t believe that spacing out childhood immunizations is a good idea, but they’re doing it anyway. Here’s why.
It’s an eye-opening survey, to say the least, and its findings are clear: Nearly all — 93% — primary care doctors and pediatricians surveyed say that in a typical month, parents ask them to deviate from the recommended childhood immunization schedule and instead give the shots over a longer period of time, according to a report published Monday in the journal Pediatrics. And while nearly 90% thought that such spacing out of the immunizations would put the children, and the community at risk of spreading infectious diseases like measles, 37% said they agreed to do so often or always. That was a 131% increase since the last survey, conducted in 2009, when only 16% said they agreed to changing the recommended vaccine schedule.
“Doctors are feeling really conflicted because they overwhelmingly think this is the wrong thing to do, and is putting children at risk, but at the same time, they want to build trust with their patients and meet people halfway,” says Dr. Allison Kempe, professor of pediatrics at University of Colorado and Children’s Hospital Colorado, who is the lead author of the study. Rea more in Time (external link).
“Give in”? Whose body are they injecting?
Yadayadayada don’t be ridiculous.
I breed dogs and every GOOD dog breeder knows to space out vaccinations. It doesn’t matter if you are human or dog,vaccines given together have a potential to cause an auto-immune response and therefore cause a problem.
Parents should use caution when vaccinating and only do one at a time. In this way,there will be less of a undesirable result.
But note that many shots are given in combination: DTP, MMR. So when I was telling me relative it’s good to space them out, and she said, oh, we only gave two – no, you probably gave six.
So educate yourself and don’t believe everything anyone tells you!