Many clothing items from shut Walter’s Cleaners still unclaimed; Contact Info

mayor and dsgt staffordsmithDetective Sergeant Greg Staffordsmith, who together with the Mayor was instrumental in tracking down the missing cleaners clothing, today provided a phone number for those who never made it to the DPW.

To claim your clothing, call 732-552-0240.

“Mr. Lavecchia will have someone manning the phone to make arrangements with callers to collect their items,” said Staffordsmith.


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  1. Has anyone actually had success in getting through to this number? I’ve called multiple times and no answer. I also tried going to the DPW but was told that my stuff weren’t sorted yet.

  2. I have been calling this phone number and have not gotten any response at all. My clothing is still missing. I wish someone would pick up the call or return the multiple messages that have been left.

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