There have been numerous bicycle thefts reported over the last few weeks in Lakewood, TLS has learned. In several instances, the alleged thieves who were caught with the stolen bike claimed they thought it was left out for trash.
Parents are urged to make sure their children’s bicycles are not left strewn on their lawns and left unlocked overnight.
Traffic and Safety Sergeant Frank Work tells TLS parents can register their bicycles with the Traffic & Safety Department, at no charge. If a bike is recovered, the police can then match the serial number to the one registered and return it to its proper owner.
“It’s been a very successful program,” says Sergeant Work.
Upon returning it its owner, police also take the opportunity to inspect the bike to ensure it’s safe for the road, and speak to the children and parents about safety.
Parents cant register their bikes with Mrs. Haber at the Traffic & Safety Department at Police Headquarters from 8 a.m. -5 p.m. Monday through Friday. [TLS]
does anyone know the statistics re how many bikes are stolen each year in Lakewood and how many are recovered through the bike registration program?
Just another way for Big Brother to keep their eyes on where we are going.
rebuy your bike in the flea market. (how do you think they have so many bikes there?)
so stop leaving bikes on the sidewalk and anywhere else your kids have and just maybe some will not be taken.
I have seen with my own eyes numerous times, youths and undesirables trying to steal bikes from in front of people homes and yards. A few times at night during the week, and a few times on Shabbos and Yom Tov.
Hello people-please please spread the word that if your child leaves his/her bike outside unlocked, it is bound to get stolen. As well, it attracts these undesirables to our neighborhood because they know there are tons of bikes everywhere left outside unlocked. It’s like free candy for them.
That ADHD comment was rude and should be moderated.
My son’s bike was taken in broad daylight when he came in from riding it to use the bathroom. It was an expensive bike in excellent condition…a gift from his Bubby. Shame on the person who stole it…he always brought it inside when he was finished with it. I must say, tho that I spent two days and lots of phone calls to neighbors trying to figure out of it was actually stolen or if someone had “borrowed” it. Please, make certain that your child has permission to borrow a bike from someone else. It can save them hours of work if it chas v shalom gets taken.