Man Wanted for Lakewood Shooting Apprehended after Foot Chase in Ocean Twp

shooting scen mlkA 44-year-old Manchester, NJ man was apprehended and charged in connection with the shooting in Lakewood on Thursday, Detective Sergeant Greg Staffordsmith says.

Todd Greene, of Manchester, NJ, was apprehended yesterday afternoon by the Monmouth County Prosecutors Office and the Ocean Township Police Department after he attempted to elude them during a motor vehicle stop, Staffordsmith says. He then attempted to flee on foot but was quickly apprehended after a brief foot chase.

Further investigation by Charles Messer of the Lakewood Police Department Street Crimes Unit resulted in the recovery of two firearms from Greene’s vehicle.

As a result Todd Greene was charged with: Attempted Murder and several firearms violations. He is currently at the Ocean County Jail in lieu of $900,000.00 bail.

In addition, Ocean township charged with eluding and resisting by flight with a total bail of $75,000.

The 35-year-old victim, from Toms River, is in stable condition.



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