Man Suspected of Committing String of Burglaries in Toms River, Lakewood Arrested

burg 2A week-long investigation into the burglaries of numerous area businesses has led to the arrest of Michael Guerino, 52, of the Silver Ridge section of Berkeley Township.

Between February 7th and 14th, Guerino was found to have burglarized six businesses along the Route 37 corridor. Guerino was found to have broken out the front windows of the businesses, and once inside, ransacked them for valuables and cash.

On February 16th Guerino was located and arrested at his residence. A search warrant of the residence was executed which resulted in the seizure of the property which was connected to the burglaries.

suspectAdditionally, items seized from the home were connected to burglaries committed at the “Oh, What a Bagel” in Bayville on February 14th, and the “B&B Party Store” in Lakewood (pictured), also on the 14th.

Guerino is currently lodged in the OCJ in lieu of $125,000 bail, and more charges are expected to be filed.

The investigation was led by the Detective Bureau Burglary “West” Unit, with the assistance of the Ocean County Sheriff’s Department CSI Unit, as well as the Berkeley Township and Lakewood Township Detective Bureaus.


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