Man Opens Jewish Residents’ Doors in Jackson, Yells “Heil Hitler”

Police in Jackson are in investigating after someone opened the doors to multiple Jewish homes in Jackson yesterday evening, and screamed “Heil Hitler” before running off.

The suspect, appearing to be a teenager, committed the offenses around 8:30 PM in the Harmony Farms neighborhood.

”I heard the door opening and thought it was one of my kids, then we heard “heil Hitler,” one of the neighbors told TLS.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Jackson Police Department.


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  1. Any Jew in Lakewood and the surrounding townships who hasn’t gotten their ostrich-like heads out of their holes in the ground and armed themselves is a naive fool. Period! This is an era in which we ALL need to be Maccabees. Rifle, shotgun, handgun… pick your weapon. Anything is better than nothing. Be a HERO, not a SHEEP open to slaughter.

      • Huh? What’s a “shootable offense’? OWNING a firearm? I own 3…one of each that I mentioned. Using it in a case of self-defense? Don’t be ridiculous! Legitimate self-defense “works” EVERYWHERE! Bottom line: your comment makes no sense so I haven’t the slightest idea what you’re talking about. Hishtadlus rules the day: Get a firearm / pray that you never have to use it / be trained and ready just in case you have to!

        • Trespassing would be a shootable offense in the south. In Jersey if the homeowner would have shot at the teen who only opened the door and shouted some disgusting nazi salute, the homeowner could land in prison.

        • Sorry buddy, your bein a bit off the rocker here. You gotta cool your ego and not let your Ga’ava aka the thought that you control your destiny, take over.
          Yes, if there was an active threat, then perhaps it would be a time to arm oneself, as stated in Shulchan Aruch. But the fact that Some, though certainly BH not all, neighbors hate you and harass you, is not by any means a reason to have a weapon.
          In fact, in general, the unfortunate reality is that the gun carriers are a bunch of hotheads who just get themselves, and others, in trouble, CH”V…..

    • They did have handguns and rifles in their home. But lucky for them they didn’t draw on the kid who yelled antisemitic slur. Had they done so they would’ve had to deal with the consequences of breaking the law…

    • You might have a gun but dont have bitachon in Hashem. And dont tell me hishtadlus, there is not one gadol b’Yisroel that wrote a Kol Korei that all us Yidden should go out and buy guns! Minimal hishtadlus is all we are mechuyav to do. One lock on your door is enough, 10 is not neccesary and wont help more than one. What if you have a gun in your pocket and Hashem sends 20 people to jump on you and tie you up, then the gun is worthless! This principle is not for some frummies in Lakewood, it is the belief of every Yid, and if you dont agree, you better get a better moreh derech to straighten out your hashkafos. This is ALEF BAIS!

  2. These pathetic individuals have zero concept of consequences. Even if they harbor such intense hate, is it worth ruining their lives? This idiot will be arrested and have a criminal record closing the doors on opportunity for the rest of his miserable life.

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