[COMMUNICATED] When Mordechai Freuchter was dragged out of his home by police and thrown into prison, he was a young and energetic father of 5. Mordechai, who maintains his innocence, assumed he would return home soon. Shockingly, he has sat in prison for 6 months, and still has not been given a trial.
The man he is today is unrecognizable.
Mordechai is now wheelchair-bound, having suffered a stroke from stress. Half of his body sags, drool drips from his limp mouth, and tears well in his vacant, distracted eyes. Despite his illness he receives little sympathy: Prison is a cruel place.
Rabbi Yaakov Zilberman of Jerusalem is raising funds to help Mordechai Freuchter receive the legal representation he needs to have a fair trial, and return home. Each day that the fund does not reach its goal, Mordechai grows more ill and frail.