A Coventry man is charged with child cruelty and simple assault after he head-butted and forced to the ground a 16-year-old boy who was dating the man’s niece, police Lt. William Addison said. Luis A. Salinas-Mendoza, 29, was arrested Thursday and placed in the Ocean County Jail in lieu of $10,000 bail. He remains in the jail and in addition to the bail, he is being held on a no-bail detainer issued by Immigrations and Customs Enforcement. Salinas-Mendoza was arrested on Woodlake Manor Drive at about 4 p.m. by Patrolman Kenneth Seunath, Addison said. MARGARET F. BONAFIDE/APP
Man Charged With Assaulting Teen

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I bet we can all guess who is renting the house to this animal !!!!!
Anybody knows what address he lives at?
the i.c.e. is holding him kuddos to hershel for keeping them busy