Man Breaks Into Home, Is Caught And Arrested Minutes Later

Police have just arrested a man who allegedly broke into a home and ran off with items, while the homewoner was home. Sources say a man broke into an Oakland Street home shortly before midnight and ran off with a laptop and otherm items. Multiple officers responded and canvassed the area in search of the suspect, and called for K-9 Units to respond as well.

Moments later, an officer found the man matching the description of the suspect walking in the area of Linden Avenue and Stirling Avenue.

The suspect was brought to the victim’s home, where he was postively identified by the victim.

He was arrested an taken into custody. TLS-60/TLS-62.

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  1. As the economy gets worse, this will only embolden would be thieves to try their luck! For them it’s a win win situation! If I get caught I will receive free lodgings and three square meals a day at the tax payers expense! If I don’t get caught even better!

  2. I can’t believe that MULTIPLE police officers responded AFTER the perpetrator had already LEFT the home and no one’s life was in danger.

    Why weren’t they productively measuring how far from the curb or how close to the stop signs cars were parked, patrolling to see if any drivers veered over to the left side of the road, or if people were crossing the street in the middle of the block?

  3. Thank you LPD.
    Keep in mind that someone that enters an unoccupied home is merely a thief. When someone enters an occupied he/she is an eminent threat and a dangerous person that may not fear confrontation.

    Each homeowner must first secure the safety of family members, and himself before taking any other action. A 911 call is imperative. It is OK to take measures to protect life and property, if the resident is prepared to act.

    The objective is to compel the criminal to surrender and await LPD. Do not use force on a criminal that surrenders or runs away.

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