Making History A Great Project Is Underway: A Huge Boost for the Haredi Community in Netivot

Headed by Maran, Rosh HaYeshiva HaGaon Rabbi Moshe Hillel Hirsch, shlita and Members of the Council of Torah Sages, shlita

A historic milestone will be celebrated on Thursday of this week with the founding of Kiryat Beit Halevi and the expansion of Netivot, the city of Torah in the Negev, transforming Netivot into the next Haredi city of the future. In attendance will be hundreds of families who have purchased apartments in Ramot Meir and Kiryat Beit Halevi. They will participate in laying the cornerstone of this new neighborhood, led by Maran, Rosh HaYeshiva HaGaon Rabbi Moshe Hillel Hirsch, shlita and Members of the Council of Torah Sages, shlita.

News of housing in the southern cities is making waves, due to the significant expansion and establishment of new neighborhoods for families of exceptional avrechim, graduates of the holy yeshivas. Gedolai Yisrael have entrusted HaRav HaGaon Aharon Assayag shlit”a, who heads the kollel and Torah and charity institutions in Netivot, to turn this incredible idea into reality, transforming Netivot into a spiritual beacon of Torah. 

Avrechim can purchase new, spacious apartments at deeply discounted prices, and live in a special place of Torah. They will be able to raise their children in a holy environment and send them to excellent educational institutions: yeshivas, kollels, talmud torahs and Beis Yaakovs. The project is well on its way, with 400 exceptional avrechim having already purchased apartments and allocations of another 6,000 apartments in the coming year for the Haredi community.

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