A majority of New Jerseyans on both sides of the aisle say sharing services is a good idea, according to a poll released today. According to the Farleigh Dickinson PublicMind poll, 71 percent consider sharing police, fire and school administration a good idea, while just 19 percent say sharing is a bad idea.
Towns have increasingly been turning to shared services as a cost-cutting measure during a tough budget climate. Though no counties have actually regionalized their police forces, several are in the process of studying the idea. More in Star Ledger.
Let’s start with the two figherfighting departments in Lakewood (paid and volunteer) sharing fire houses. Instead of doubling the fire budget.
How about we share schools IN Lakewood.
let’s share schools .It should be a county wide system no need for the boe. Same with the LPD there should be a county wide police force no need for every township to have its own.
How about we share school buses in lkwd.
share , cheaper