VIDEO of Reb Moshe Aryeh Friedman Shlita and Reb Lazer Yudel Finkel Shlita, son of Harav Hagaon Reb Elya Baruch Finkel Zatzal, both Magidei Shiur in the MIR Yerushalayim, giving Shiurim this afternoon in Lakewood. Reb Friedman’s Shiur took place at the Eizekovitch Bais Medrash, and Reb Finkel’s Shiur took place at BMG.
Magidei Shiur From The MIR, Give Shiurim In Lakewood
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I’m 99.999% sure his name is R’ Moshe AARON Friedman but just to be sure we should double check with Kim. Kim any info on this one?
# 1 your wrong
he is 100% right his name is moshe ahron i was his classmate for 15 years
Can you please post video of reb leizer yudel. Thanx
Wow they sound mamash like kol berama!!