LPD: Zero Burglaries Within The Frum Community Over Pesach

LPD small LPDAside from a couple of minor incidents, Lakewood remained quite uneventful over Yom Tov. In fact, there were zero burglaries within the Orthodox community over the entire Yom Tov of Pesach. TLS spoke with Detective Lieutenant William Addison from the Lakewood Police Department this morning who said “We thought when the phones became available we would get a lot of phone calls, we really didn’t” he said. Police Chief Rob Lawson echoed his remarks and said “We are very pleased that there were zero burglaries or assaults reported within the Orthodox community”. “Areas which we previously had issues with, were heavily patrolled” he said. The Chief attributed the success to the several Internet and phone messages put out by the Department in the weeks ahead of Pesach, and of course to the vigilance and cooperation from the community.  

Detective Lieutenant William Addison added, that should you come home and find that someone has gained entry into your home, or has stolen something from your property, please report it. “We keep a record of these things” he said

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  1. read the great true story in Binah Magazines Pesach supplement about the doctor who didn’t rely on locks, alarms, security systems etc, but oh his mezuzos.

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