LPD Reminds Drivers Of New Pedestrian Law

pedestrian crossing new stop sticker and oldAn LPD Officer contacted TLS this morning asking us to remind our readers about the new pedestrian law which recently went into effect. Many motorists have been seen swerving around pedestrians in the crosswalks. It is illegal. When a pedestrian is in the crosswalk, drivers are now required to come to a complete stop. Violators can face hefty fines and Points on their license.

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  1. I don’t see any painted crosswalks…..can anyone one please clarify where must one stop?do those signs serve as a reminder that one must stop anywhere a pedestrian walks in the downtown area OR directly in front of THAT sign??

  2. Please put up signs in yeshiva about this as not everyone has internet. i still cant stop without having someone swerve around me on the right. LPD please have cops all over enforcing this law so that people get the message, besides crime this should be the total focus until everyone gets the message

  3. downtown Xwalks have red brick and are bounded by white lines. all crosswalks have some marking. it is your responsibility as a citizen to know which is the legally proper place for the pedestrian to be crossing. it is your responsibility as a human to take care not to harm another person, even at the expense of doing 50 in a 25 zone. It is your responsibility as a yid to take care not to cause chillul Hashem…EVER

  4. Probably directly in front of the sign. (I’m not taking achrayis). The proof is that shoprite has 3 pedestrian signs in place….that indicates that the signs don’t serve as a reminder but requires you to stop at the actuall sign!!

  5. Why put up signs in the first place…then educate and reinforce….pedestrians are used to crossing by the traffic light!! SHOPRITE has no other choice…but feature those signs….YOU CANT EXPECT EVERYONE TO PUSH 100 POUNDS OF GROCERIES UP THAT HILL TO THE TRAFFIC LIGHT!!!!

  6. This NOT a new law. The law “used” to state that a driver must YIELD to pedestrians in a crosswalk. They have only made the law more strict by having the driver STOP completely.

    Just a friendly reminder. When making a right on red (where permissible) or turning left at a green light, the pedestrian crossing has the Right Of Way.

    Drive Safe!


  8. There does not actually have to be a physical crosswalk painted on the street to be deemed a crosswalk. Any corner is considered a crosswalk, whether it has a physical crosswalk or not.

  9. Hmmm.what about the pedestrians that jaywalk in the middle of the street?(That’s a usual occurence?)Additionally, why is the pedestrian sign on 1st placed in the middle of the block?(The 3rd st one is ON the corner)

  10. It is pretty scary that you all are asking these questions yet you’re driving a car. Where did you get your drivers license? Did you earn it or buy it? Go back and read the driving manuals. It has always been the law that pedestrians have the right away. Oh no! Now you have to actually stop the car!!! smh

    FOLLOW THE LAWS!!! Is that so hard? HAVE COMMON SENSE!!! Is that so hard? Come on, really.

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