LPD: Please remove your vehicles from the road for Shabbos

The Lakewood Police Department Is asking all residents to remove their vehicles from the roadway for the duration of Shabbos.

The Township will be continuing snow cleanup throughout Shabbos, and this will make their job much easier.

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  1. A suggestion for developments that do not have enough off street parking – coordinate to at least park on only one side of the street.

  2. After shoveling my whole driveway out to the street, DPW came again to plow and put up a, 18″+ wall blocking the driveway No one can get in or out. Those that are not in, will have to park on the street. That was the second time they did it. And if I shovel again, will probably do it again. Called DPW and spoke to the driver who said can only take orders from DPW, so called again. Let’s see if anything happens. Thanks for the great job, otherwise.

  3. If the zoning Dept would take these things into account with the builder’s it might help. When they build houses so close to one another there’s nowhere to park or out the snow since it’s all driveways or mailboxes!

  4. When are they going to remember to pick up trash?
    My street is a quiet dead end with driveways for everyone but our garbage cans are near the curb so the plows cleaned one row down the center and piled up snow to block all the garbage cans. Now we have a single lane in and out of block with 2 walls of snow/ice on either side and overflowing garbage cans BUT ALL OUR CARS ARE NEATLY IN OUR DRIVEWAYS!

  5. They did a nice job during the blizzard on the Twin Oaks Drive… Assuming they would come back to clean the few feet of snow on each side of the street… Unfortunately they did not come back and most are without mail for the last three days.
    I hope they get around to it. Shabbos would have been a perfect day for touching up their great job.

  6. If they would only put the houses a bit closer together and the streets a bit smaller, there would be no ground for the snow to settle on. This would solve all the problems here.

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