PHOTOS of LPD Officer Erik Menck giving out Police stickers and his business cards to children today. As summer approaches, Erik stopped into several developments to remind children of outdoor safety issues.
LPD Officer Gives Out Stickers And Business Cards To Children
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In my opinion Officer Eric Menck’s name needs to be altered It should be Eric MENTSCH(which in Yiddish means-very kind individual)! I have interacted with him on various occassions and found him to be a very friendly officer. If you have ever seen him with his wife and children you’d know he’s a real family minded guy too. Eric keep it up! You offer alot to LPD.
thank you Eric for all the great work you do for our community
what is really great about it is you actually can see in the pictures that he enjoyed doing this. Must be a really good guy. Thanks for giving your time to lakewood.
Don’t takecandy from strangers
wow eric did a great job !!!!!!
its good for the kids to see that cops r nice ppll and not bad ERIC WE ARE PROUD OF YOU FOR MAKING OUR KIDS FEEL SAFE!!!!!!
whats great is that hey looks like he actually cared about what he was trying to do and didnt mind doin so…he is great with kids….and trys his best to his town safe..Good Job EriK
Red stickers for cars?
I have met Eric on a few on a few occasions with his family and with out them. He is a true mentch and a really nice person. He is a true example of what an officer should be as a person and as a professional.
Officers like him give us lakewooders a little pride of our town.
Tomorrow it will be back to lets get rid of the police again.
Eric is my hero!
so Eric is taking Butterworths place as # 1 LPD officer…….lol