An officer from the Lakewood Police Department says the occurrence of leaving bikes and toys in the roadway is seen too often, and poses an extreme danger to motorists. “All too many nights, (especially on Shabbos), I come across bikes and toys left without care in the roadways”, an officer wrote to TLS, and references a recent story in which an out of State officer was killed due to a bicycle left in the roadway.
The AP recently reported that State police investigators say a fatal accident in June involving a Ball police officer traveling almost 90 mph was caused by a bicycle lying in the road.
The officer, who was on duty and was responding to a call, had the vehicle’s emergency lights on and was wearing a seatbelt during the crash, the report said. On the way to the call, the officer hit the back tire of the bicycle lying in the road, and lost control of the vehicle. The vehicle ran off the road, went through a ditch, hit several trees and caught fire. He was pronounced dead at the scene.
In light of the above story, the officer is asking that residents take this into consideration after children are done ridign their bikes or toys.
“Please get this message out”, the Lakewood Police Officer asked.
Unfortunately this issue is finally being addressed and needs to be in forced. Driving around lakewood through the many developments, there are toys, bikes, and garbage thrown everywhere. It shows a lack of appreciation and respect. Why can’t you clean up after your children? I think This issue is specifically in (moderated) and it is disgusting to drive past their park and see toys left everywhere. You’d think a person would have the decently to clean up after his child.. Guess not.
Hiting a ball at 90 miles an hour… blame the ball??!
“Yeah Right” You are a doofis. Read the article. He was from Ball Township and hit a bike!
It’s a shame we that we need the police to speak to us about a Bor B’Rshus H’Rabim.At the very least the police should confiscate and discard these obstacles and menaces to public safety.
for now, we can put aside the discussion of leaving bikes in the street and talk about a much more pressing, serious issue.
Why on earth is it that when I drive through developments, i see children as young as 2-3 years old wandering the STREETS by themselves. I always make sure to go no more than 10 MPH when in a development and yet I nearly hit a toddler in diapers who was wandering aimlessly across the street, with nary a parent in sight.
There is NO excuse for this horrible lack of parenting. What will it take for parents to start caring about the safety of their children? Do we need a horrible tragedy like a small child getting run over by a car before people sit down and say..”hmm, perhaps we should be responsible parents and not let our infants and toddlers walk around the streets by themselves?”
Developments are NOT bungalow colonies. They are open to cars, vans and trucks.
Everyone should know to keep your childrens toys in the yards when they come in for the night. Leaving them in the street is not only a threat to police officers on patrol but to the firefighters & ems that are also responding to calls..sometimes it may seem like a bother but keeping the roads clear of debris can keep everyone safe..especially in such a crowded town
If I see a toy or bike in the street I will pick it up and either give it to my kids or sell it at the flea market. Anything left on the street could be considered garbage waiting for the garbageman to pick up. This is a warning – don’t leave the stuff on the street.
if people would spend as much time cleaning up the outside of the house as they do inside then we would not have this problem. it only takes 5 minutes at the end of each day for your child to put away their bikes. as a parent its your responsiblity to teach your child to clean up after themselves. that also includes not throwing empty snack bags on the floor by the park.
in all honesty, I am NOT going to swerve around toys, balls and the like, I run them over.
enough with blaming and talking down to the residents. Everyone should look at the mirror in their home and see where THEY can improve Law enforcment included.
In my development, it isn’t so much as toys etc in the street, but being left on the narrow sidewalks. Similar kind of disrespect of others, and not teaching your child to pick up after him/herself. Parents, we do not have maid service here. Do your part and maybe your child will follow the model.
#9 –
Wow, I’m so afraid of you. You seem so scary and intimidating.
I love the way you try to turn it around and blame others, the Police!!!?? Oh Please! Take responsibility for yourselves and no one would be writing these warnings from police and your neighbors.
have code enforecement come out and ticket them and have the garbage trucks come along and throw it all away! maybe if parents need to keep buying their children new bikes and toys constantly, they’ll learn their lesson and maybe teach it to their kids as well.
#12, why should I swerve, if your going to leave it in the street then obviously you don’t care about your things. I have had children deliberately push those 3 wheeled tricycles in front of me thinking I was going to stop, or swerve around it I didn’t and the look on her face was priceless. and btw, you should be and I am 🙂
I hate when Hatzolah comes through our development on Shabbos and they have to stop their ambulance to move toys and strollers from the street , so that they can go help someone. Scary!!
Not only put the toys and bikes away how about the adults who leave the garbarge cans on the street for days at a time. Thought we had a law about cans being put away so many hours after pick up. Also has anyone noticed how many people have grass growing really tall in their yards? another law, oh guess Lakewood doesn’t care how it looks anymore ar how trashy it loooks to outsiders.
There nothing like the crunch of a scooter under my SUV tires. love it .
i give so much credit to this officer for speaking out on this topic. he is one hundred percent correct. people have to understand that they have to take responsibility for their property. and yes, these toys are your property. they do not belong on the street. they belong in a garage or porch or any other secure area around the house.
of course we do have busy lives and are not perfect people. but please take a moment to think about those who have to be out on the road and get places. keep our roads safe and our town.
oh and this message is for honestly. if you want to run over toys, fine by me. it’s no prob if you want to damage your own car.
While the first officer makes a great point, leaving toys, bicycles and other valuables lying around, only attracts others into your neighborhoods to collect or steal your belongings lying in the roadway. They then take these belongings to flea markets and make money off of your goods. When these thieves come into the neighborhoods, they see what they consider easy pickins’ and then where do you think they go from toys and bikes in the road? They go to your vehicles and look for unlocked doors and goods and valuables inside of them. Then, after they hit your cars, they move to your houses. We all work very hard for the items in our possession and you should be proud of what you have worked for. Takining a mere five minutes to put your toys away , lock your car doors and put valuables inside them out of view, can be a very big deterent indeed. And , if you are leaving for Shabbos, please, please, please, do a “once over” in your house to be sure all windows and doors are locked. Pull your blinds down or close your curtains. Even something as simple as buying a light timer for a light or radio, can give the appearance that someone is home. You can even make it a game with your children befgore you leave that if one of them finds an open window, they get a reward or treat. After all, times are hard and we all work hard for what we have. Why make it more easy for others who are not law abiding citizens, to benefit from all of us. Thank you for your time.
very well said!
I am in charge of a HOA in my development. What people don’t understand is that if you leave your toys and bikes out at night it entices the thieves to come “shopping”!
These aren’t sophisticated thieves, these are crimes of opportunity! Put your stuff away and it won’t get stolen – its that simple!