LPD: 2 Men found with Drugs, Bullets at Hearthstone Playground

lpd logo edited tlsTwo men were found in possession of drugs and bullets at the Hearthstone playground in Lakewood, police say.

At approximately 6:30pm on March 20, Officer Ryan Dancey was patrolling the Hearthstone playground when he observed two men sitting in a white Toyota 4 Runner during Sunday night’s snow storm.

“While speaking with the occupants, 29 year old Felix Perez-Perez of Lakewood and 26 year old Raymundo Flores-Aguirre of Queens NY, Officer Dancey observed a clear plastic bag containing suspected cocaine inside the vehicle,” Dsgt. Greg Staffordsmith says.

Further investigation resulted in the recovery of additional cocaine, marijuana and several small caliber bullets. No weapon was found.

Both Perez and Aguirre were arrested

Perez was charged with Possession of CDS, Possession of CDS with the intent to Distribute and Possession with the Intent to Distribute within 500 of a Public Park. His bail was set at $90,000 no 10%.

The amount of CDS recovered was approximately 110 grams of Cocaine (2nd Degree) and 45 grams of Marijuana. If convicted, he could face up to 10 years in prison, Staffordsmith said.

Aguirre was charged with Possession of CDS and released on a summons.

Also assisting in the investigation was Officer Vito Rena and Dsgt. Jason Pederson.


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