The following two ads were just added to our Free Classifieds section of our website: Professional Real Estate Management firm looking to hire a property manager. Experience required. Must be proficient in word and excel and understand construction and mechanical systems. Traveling required. People skills and organizational skills are a prerequisite. Please email resume and salary requirements to [email protected] Or fax to 732 719 6191.
The second job offer posted is: F/T P/T – Local Web Marketing co. looking for a web savvy individual, confident & capable of seeing multiple projects from start to completion with good communication skills. Please email resume to [email protected] or fax 7327199704.
Coventry square condo is also desperately looking for someone who can manage their property of over 600 condos- The job is currently available
Who can i contact regarding the conventry property managment ?
My name is Y schneck I have years of eqperience in property manegment
i can be reached at 732 779 8728
ive been maneging properties for years
i can be reached at 732 779 8728