[Reader Submitted] Attention working men: Have you been searching for that perfect chavrusa whose strengths and/or learning style match your own? I am just one guy who has bs”d helped quite a few individuals find the chavrusa they were looking for. It has become apparent that there is a need for someone to help facilitate chavrusa partnerships, especially for those of us in the working world.
Please send an email to: [email protected]and I will respond with a short questionnaire (i.e. what times are best, what type of limud, over the phone or in person etc.) to help us get an idea of what you are looking for. BS”D we will try to find you a chavrusa that you can shteig with. All information will be kept confidential. At present, this service is limited to those who are working or looking for employment.
Thank you.
great idea .
terrific idea. I’m lucky that i’m working and have a chavrusa but there are so many guys who desperatly need one. good luck
an idea whos time has come. cmon we have to start doing more things for working guys in this town. so many guys are falling through the cracks. we need more strucutre for guys that are in business or working. they also need chizuk and mussar and shiurim even more then the learning guys. can you imagine going out into the business world and being exposed to so much all day and coming home and going to sleepp without anything ruchniyus in your life. well thats whats been happening
u are so right #3 we encourage everybody to sit and learn and grow in ruchniyus, and we ignore the ruchniyus need of the working people, additionally it would be nice if we help people get the skills to get a respectable livelihood.
sign your name so we know who you are and give the letter credibility
good idea thanks
Anonymous says:
“sign your name so we know who you are and give the letter credibility
You can’t make this stuff up…..
This was done years ago under the name Chavrusa International and was advertised all over the place and I know guys that were set up through them, anybody know who were the guys involved?
I know the guy,EG, who did it years ago. He was very sucessful and did it all for nothing . Its a great idea to reopen this concept
i love this! working guys helping working guys! awesome
Anyone who posts without a name should not be used. This is an old idea that was done years ago by a guy in Coventry which had that picture of one of the Greenwalds learning! What ever happened to that orginazation?
I hope allot of people sign up ,I would encourage working people to start learning for an hour before davening ,when the head is very clear,
its a very geshmake time to learn.
why dont you try try Learn and Network Kollel. they have people set up all the time with chavrusas.plus a great program on tues and thursday. you wont be disappointed,i wasnt.
yanky…not everyone can go to learn at the learn and network kollel because of times or location
This could be a very good idea but who is the guy doing this?
great idea! we have to raise the bar !
every person should ask his friends” so whom do you learn with?”
we have to make learning an hour or 2 a day a priority by all of us!!!!
who cares who is doing it its somethings thats badly needed. everyone should get involved to help those who are working get chavrusas and get some real ruchniyus in their lives