A Lakewood Democrat has filed to run for Township Committee, TLS has learned.
Mordechai Gross, a newcomer to the political arena, has filed to run against the Republican incumbent Deputy Mayor Albert Akerman.
Gross reportedly serves as a corporate attorney in Brooklyn.
Akerman is running for his third term, and served as Mayor in 2013 and 2015.
On the County level, incumbent Sheriff Mastronardy will be running for another term, and will be challenged by Democrat Sal Ottaviano.
Mastronardy was endorsed by the Ocean County Republican Committee, as well as by the Lakewood Republican Committee.
Freeholders Kelly and Haines will also be running for reelection, and are being challenged by six democrats. This will be Haines’ first full term run.
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Go Mordy! Great guy
I can only hope the VAAD supports Mr. Akerman like the seniors will.
Vote for Ocean County Anti-Corruption Democrats Tracy Caprioni and Scott Neuman for Ocean County Freeholder.