Living Better – Learn how to live your best years better

smart[COMMUNICATED] The 40+ age group is experiencing explosive growth in a town formerly dominated by younger families.

Hatzolah EMS and The Voice of Lakewood have teamed up to create an expo geared specifically toward the middle-aged population and beyond.

Come and get invaluable information, have your questions answered and your concerns allayed. Meet the exhibitors and learn about financial planning, health and well-being, home services and so much more.

Join us at Lake Terrace on Sunday, March 13th to meet nearly 100 vendors and experts. RSVP today and be entered into raffles drawn every half hour at the expo – for a chance to win certificates to local restaurants and cafés.

Admission is free of charge; doors open at 12 Noon.

For more information and to register for the SMART LIVING EXPO, call 732-813-1597 or visit our website:

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  1. i am living in Lakewood for many many years Bh. This is one of the first events that I can remember geared towards me and my peers! We are all so excited for it and looking forward. I am sure being that the event is run by two leaders in our lovey community, Hatzolah and The Voice of Lakewood, it will be an event to remember! I marked March 13th in my calanad!

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