Live Now! Bonei Olam From the Ashes:An Emotional and Impactful Tisha Baav Film

The saga of Alta Fixsler captured the attention of Yidden around the world.

Parents moving on after the tragic loss of a child. 

Heroes Building Worlds from Tears.

Today, we are a growing nation, full of torah, avodas hashem and chesed. But during the dark years of the Holocaust, it was difficult to imagine any rebirth. 

But our grandparents rose to the occasion, and from ashes, built something that was unimaginable at the time.    

In this documentary, we sat down with individuals that used their personal tragedies and hardships to grow and make a real difference in the world. On a day like Tisha Bav, walk away with the inspiration , that whatever life brings you, you can still make a real difference.

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