Live Again in Lakewood: Shiur by Rav Michoel Sorotzkin 10:00 PM

Special Announcement


We are excited to announce that the world famous Novi shuir given by
Horav Michoel Sorotzkin shlit”a which is given on a weekly basis is continuing LIVE:

5782 ,שופטים Motzaei Shabbos Parshas SEPT 3,2022 at 10:00- 10:45 PM.

in Kollel Ner Avrohom 104 Arbutus Drive, Lakewood, NJ 08701

This week topic: מוחזקת היא לנו מאבותינו

This comprehensive shuir focuses on both Halacha and Agada. This Iyun shuir has a special emphasis on historical context- סדר הדורות and a unique focus משנת הגר״א on

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Meeting ID:81790422045

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