Listen Now: Time To Dance Volume 8 Is here!

[COMMUNICATED] The TIME TO DANCE series broke new ground in the world of inspirational Chassidic music — both in the unrivaled beauty of the musical arrangement and performance, and at the same time, in the particular care that was given to maintaining the integrity of the original nigun.

This Is The Music Your Parents and Grandparents Have Enjoyed For 40 Years!

Chassidic music is directed toward the inner soul. It prods, demands, and requires the listener to confront the greatness that lies within each one of us. These are nigunim composed by men of great piety and learning, whose music gave expression to their deepest religious feelings. These melodies are the product of dveikus that emerged from their total devotion to Torah and Tefillah.


Want to purchase volumes 1-8? Here is your chance for MAJOR SAVINGS! Volume 8 with be out on Tuesday!

Head to the website to listen to volumes 1-7 online!

Listen to this Sample Below


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