List of Lakewood Roads Being Repaved in 12 Months

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  1. The letter states “Please be advised the following streets will be resurfaced in twelve (12) months from the date of this letter (Jan 29,2024)” It is saying that the repaving will be done AFTER 12 months and NOT in the next 12 months.

  2. Wait!!!! You forgot east 4th. Pretty please add us to your list. We so badly need re-paving cause of sewer/pipe work that has left us with a mess of a road. Please and thank you

  3. Every year we get this list.Can some ody please fact check if the projects get completed as planned?
    לא המדרש העיקר, אלא המעשה

  4. Gosh I’m gonna cry!! Please!!!! East 4th !!!!!!!!! My kids wake up whenever we get near home. My bumpers are falling off and I bit my tongue a dozen times already from these bumps!! Now I drive with my mouth closed so I don’t hurt myself.
    The other day I saw a cop spoil his coffee all over his blue uniform on East 4th. Please! East 4th!

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