[UPDATED] [The following local businesses and organizations have registered with the American Express Small Business Saturday program. To have your registered business or organization added to the list, contact us at [email protected]. Listings are $100.
Your business will be listed just like the ones below.
This article will be promoted until Motzei Shabbos. (Saturday evening).
(If your business is not yet registered, you can do so by clicking here).
Get $25 back when using your Amex Card at Coat Arcade this Motzei Shabbos. Located at Shlomy’s Kosher World Plaza. Open Motzei Shabbos from 8:15 PM-10 PM. Phone number is 732-987-6900.
Donate to Dr. Shanik’s Ahavas Tzedakah organization, whwere you can give $25 of free Tzedakah! http://www.ahavastzedakah.com/ or 7325402972.
Why not use this opportunity to buy something eternal? Split your cards or give them all and support Tomchei Shabbos. Gain for yourself an everlasting zechus! Don’t be busy with this Motzai Shabbos. See http://www.tomchei.org/ for all information necessary. We will be processing your cards on Motzai Shabbos.
FoodEx Supermarket will open Motzei Shabbos for business. They will be open for in-store shopping only. They can be contacted at 732-364-3300.
Kosher Taco will be open Motzei Shabbos from 7:30-11:58 PM and will be offering customers a $30 gift certificate for $25 via any credit card or cash. No limit! Their phone number is 732-534-5511.
Banquest Payment Services. Get $25 back when you use your Amex card at Banquest Payment Services this Motzie Shabbos. Contact them at 732-323-8300, or online here.
Kosher Village will be open Motzei Shabbos with the Amex savings from 7 – 10 PM. Fax orders to 732-905-7930, email [email protected], or call 732-905-1115.
Funny how all of the sudden tons of stores in town take Amex. If you go in there Sunday they will sAy they don’t take anymore….
You really don’t no what you are saying because most stores in Towne take it
Kosher Taco has been always taken Amex, I am going there motzei shaabos
The real question is which store will swipe 20+ cards??
Kosher tacos says no limit on amount of cards
Has anyone come up with a good reason for this seemingly senseless AmEx giveaway?
I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why AmEx is doing this. Oh right, they’re trying to promote “small business”. So therefore they give out $100 million just like that? I don’t know, it just doesn’t seem like the right answer.
is banquest going to swipe my card and give me the $25 back in cash? PLease advise
They expect consumers to have an average of one Amex & make a purchase larger than $25. So they give $25 free, encourage spending on credit cards & make $. Don’t forget they take a commission off every sale. No credit card company is in the business of doing you a favor. If it wasn’t profitable for them they wouldn’t do it.
Credit cards are like the casinos, everyone thinks they can outsmart them, but they’re making billions.
Go figure.
maybe they get a write off for doing it…. also its great marketing for them and they get more small biz to want to have amex accounts cuz perks like this….. and small businesses get business cuz people want free stuff.
@ funny back funny, i agree with funny…
@yid they r promoting stores which dont except amex (for their slightly higher rate) to except them.
To R’ YID (#7)
They are hoping you spend more than $25 (much more), and end up not paying your bill right away (most people don’t). So they make mega-millions on the interest…
They won’t pay out $1,000,000 simply because they limit this promotion to the first 5,000 that sign up. Do the math $25 x 5,000 = $125,000. Quite a bit less!!!
The reason why Amex does this is simple, because it gets stores to sign up with Amex (which a lot of them don’t accept it & now they will) & they make about %5 on every purchase. That would seem like a pretty good deal to me in the long run.
Attention everyone, Amex makes 3.09% on average for each transaction. Some of that needs to go to the processor, the bank, and the five middlemen.
Why complain that someone is giving you “free money” just “spend” it at a small business
I am not sure if people understand the real reason for small business Saturday. It is not that your should spend ONLY $25, it is so that your should spend MORE in your local stores. Perhaps this should be a lesson for everyone in this town. Many local stores are struggling to make a few dollars and some people buy their cereal on Amazon! C’mon, spend a few extra dollars and support the local stores and your fellow man.
Thanks everyone for your answers. Here’s the issue that I have with your answers:
AmEx collects about 2.75%, and part of that goes to the middlemen. Alos, they give you back about 1% in rewards. So they’re left with about 1% in fees.
So they expect you to go to the store, buy something for, say, $100, and then they credit you back $25. Now, they earn 1% on your $100 purchase, which is a grand total of $1. Yet, they’re giving you back $25. That doesn’t make sense.
Interest will be another couple of dollars…….. Okay, lets say $5. But they’re stilll losing money.
Someone wrote that they only allow 5,000 credit cards to sign up. Really? Lakewood alone signed up more than 5,000 credit cards. And this is a national project. Do a google search, and you will see how many blogs are promoting this, its not just Dansdeals. American Express says than an estimated 103 million people participated last year. That comes to about $2.5 billion in credits.
It just doesn’t make sense.
Someone wrote that its their way of getting businesses to accept AmEx. Really? You know of any store that began using AmEx because of this promotion? And they’re spending $2.5 billion for this?
I don’t know what to say. It is just very weird. Why would a company spend so much money on such a promotion.
Yid- Its called being a good corporate citizen, which is important in today’s socierty- 21st century America. You would be suprised how many billions of dollars Amex and other companies donate to various causes.
there are only 46 million amex cards in circulation so say they let one million sign up thats only 25 million dollars max
Is amazing savings considered a small business? Will they be open Motzei Shabbos?
Yid- Its called being a good corporate citizen, which is important in today’s socierty- 21st century America. You would be suprised how many billions of dollars Amex and other companies donate to various causes.
Do you really think they’re doing this because they care so much? OMG, people are so naive. It doesn’t make sense. There has to be a better reason.
Yes- they care so much- about their image. Good PR is worth a whole lot of money.
Any gas stations open/??
Gas stations are not a small business, but there are plenty of places in lakewood that are
I confirmed with the food department not sure about the gas
you missed the funnest store and the absolut first store to offer this promo…toys for thought!
it says why they are doing this right on their website. they are doing this to encourage people to open an amex card. every time you use your amex card they make around 2%. believe me they make a lot more then the $25 credit that they give you!! they did this last year and it worked, they made a fortune, so they are doing again this year. very simple
Toys for thought should go and contact TLS to be on this list…! They didnt miss anything. Only ppl that contact are listed… there are a lot more stores that should tell TLS too so we can know all our options!
The hardest and most expensive thing for any business is to acquire a new and loyal customer.
That said there are many that never had Amex before and signed up just for this. But at the end of the day this leaves the customer feeling good about Amex and they dont look at them as greedy “Wall Street bankers” So its a PR marketing move very smart indeed.
so amex has 103 million cards in circulation and they charge on almost all of them an annual membership of 75,125, or 400 . and they give back 25? i think they know what they’re doing…
If only tls would not charge, we would actually know which good places are participating.
I dont understand MR 31, what your complaint is. TLS has been providing news for years for FREE and it is only right that the company make some money. After all, the stores are gonna rake it in Motzo Shabbat.
Are you kidding me? He TLS charged a joke of a price to list! All businesses that didnt take up on it… chaval… they couldve really gotten good business out of it. Its cheaper than advertising in any other place for sure and its all on a list that ppl are looking at. Im disappointed that more didnt take the opportunity cuz I wouldv loved to see who else i could spend my money at. Well at least I had these places 🙂 thanks TLS!!!
#32 is right… we take advantage that we have TLS… how many ppl in lkwd would totally flip if TLS was down during Sandy or any other time? They should charge a lot more and the stores are just losing out that they didnt list. thats all.
Foodex is awesome
just for the record yossis was giving 31 dollar gift cards for 25 dollars but as advertised it should have been 32 dollars for 25 time to teach math in this town
when you get your high school diploma please let me know…. if you round it up to the nearest number it is $31 not $32