Linas Hachesed/Jerusalem Open House To Hold Parlor Meeting This Evening

[PHOTO of event] Walk down a narrow winding street in Meah She’arim, past its bustling shuk and crowded alleys, and you will come to a nondescript and simple building on Rechov Oneg Shabbat. You have just arrived at Linas Hachesed, also known as Jerusalem Open House.

This is where the poor, the indigent, the homeless and the desperate come for their daily bread. This is where the hungry people of Yerushalayim are offered food to eat.

It’s shocking, even devastating, for most of us to discover that there are many families in Yerushalayim who literally cannot put food on the table. We cannot comprehend what it means for mothers, fathers and children to go hungry. But while most of us just shake our heads in disbelief, Linas Hachesed is actually doing something about it.

Linas Hachesed was established about fifteen years ago by Reb Chaim Cohen. Walking the streets of Yerushalayim, Reb Chaim was amazed at how many shattered people simply had nothing to eat. He created a sort of haven for them, a place where they can enjoy satisfying and nutritious meals with no questions asked. The demand for this service quickly grew. Reb Chaim immediately realized that he needed larger quarters to feed the hungry. He began renting a spacious dining room on Rechov Oneg Shabbat. This is where the organization thrives today.

Linas Hachesed is certainly unique. It is virtually the only hachnasas orchim organization which feeds the hungry twice a day, mornings and evenings. A steady stream of people beat a path to its door on a typical weekday morning. It’s amazing to see who is here. There are so many children. Bachurim arrive extra early, so as to ensure that they make it to cheder on time. According to one youngster with flowing peyos, who seems barely ten years old, “Until I started coming to Linas Hachesed, I couldn’t concentrate on anything. Now that I know I have where to eat every morning and every night, I know that I can learn geshmak!”

Everybody here has a heartbreaking story to tell. Some are unemployed, searching for work month after month. Others had been coping quite well providing for their families with pride, until illness or tragedy suddenly struck and left them devastated. Now they desperately need the services of Linas Hachesed in order to survive. And still others among them are esteemed and respected talmidei chachamim who have dedicated their lives for the good of the klal. Linas Hachesed ensures that their mesirus nefesh for Torah remains uninterrupted, by providing these families with their basic physical needs.

Linas Hachesed also distribute Hachnosas Kallah, emergency funds and Kimcha Dpischa to families in need. They also provide yesomim in Yerushalayim with chasuna expenses.

Linas Hachesed provides plentiful and abundant hot meals to all. The place is spotlessly clean and immaculately kept. Linas Hachesed serves over 400 meals a day. Linas Hachesed never rests. It is open 365 days a year. Impoverished Yerushalmi families benefit from its benevolence even on erev Shabbos and Yom Tov, as well as on chol hamo’ed. “On erev Pesach,” Reb Chaim says, “we provide full services, even though we must properly prepare the premises for a kosher chag.”

How important is the mitzva of feeding the hungry? According to a midrash, when a Jew comes to Shamayim after 120 years, he is asked about his life. If he says, Maachal re’eivim hayisi, “I fed the hungry,” then a special door is opened for him to enter the World to Come. That means that Yidden who are osek in giving food and nourishment to those who have none occupy a very special place in the next world. What a tremendous zechus for those who are privileged to do this! Linas HaChesed is endorsed by leading Rabbanim in both Israel and the U.S.

Linas Hachesed invites you to participate in their parlor meeting tonight at the house of Reb Moshe Lipshitz, 16 Engleberg terrace in Brook Hill, From 7:30 Till Midnight. Tax deductible checks can be made out to “Jerusalem Open House” and mailed to its New York office at 3014 Avenue L, Brooklyn, New York 11210. For more info visit us at

Photo: R Moishe Lipschitz was presented with a plaque by Linas Hachesed, thanking him for hosting the parlor meeting on their behalf.



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  1. Its truly amazing besides being a Medic & Captain of Hatzolah par excellonce he still has time for other well worthy organizations he’s a true askun (how bout township commitee)

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