On Wednesday February 24th at 4:00 p.m. the Lakewood Branch will present Let’s Get Ready For Purim. They will offer face painting and fun as they celebrate Purim. The Lakewood Branch is located at 301 Lexington Ave. All programs are free and open to the public. For further information call the branch at (732) 363-1435 ext 2511 or 2512.
Library Presents ‘Lets Get Ready For Purim’, Free Face Painting
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א׳ גוישע פנים
Before you paint your face, ask a ‘shayla’ if its ‘mutar”!
Sounds like yidden celebrating with the eino yehudim. Similar to the story of Purim 2000 years ago…
To poster 1… what’s wrong with the face? Was the comment meant to be derogatory? Just asking….
To #3 – first thing I thought of was Seudas Achashveirosh