Lexington Towers Evacuates After Smell Of Smoke Fills Building

lex_evacuationPHOTO of the Lexington Towers occupants waiting outside the building after a smell of smoke filled the building, causing the alarms to sound. The building was evacuated as the Fire and Police Departments determine the cause of the smoke smell. Update: 3:35 p.m. The occupants are now being lexington_evacuated_2allowed back in. The cause for the smoke smell was a Cigarette which was brought into the building.

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  1. If you don’t want to go out in this heat and smoke


    I don’t have to stop my day and stand in the heat because you don’t want to go out to smoke.

    Your friend

  2. If you don’t know the story don’t post false info. The alarm did not sound because of a detector. Someone pulled a pull station. The cigarette was not the cause of the smell or alarm it was the ashtray that someone had dropped a cigarette in causing another empty pack in to catch fire and thus caused the smell and someone pulled the pull station. Thanks for posting false info if you don’t know the story just don’t post it. Sincerely 1 of Your lakewood volunteer Fire fighter’s.

  3. I always thought that was a funny place to put an ashtray. Sure it might cut down on litter a speople drop their cigarettes in it when walking into the building, but who really lights up a cigarette on their way from the car to the front door, anyway? And what it does promote, is smokers congregating in front of the door, making it uncomfortbale for nonsmokers, children, the elderly & infirm, etc. to pass. They should move it off to the side near the FedEx box.

  4. To “1 of Your Lakewood volunteer Fire fighter’s”
    Thank you for giving us the true scoop. please stay safe in this hot weather. did everyone check their fire and CO detector lately

  5. this building is iligel they should close it down, it has no parking it makes a mess on the whole area, I dont know how they got this building approved

  6. It has no parking? There’s a parking lot attached to the building, another around the back, off street parking & a public lot across the street. How much more parking do you want?

  7. People should not even be smoking in the building period! Its not fair to the people who dont smoke but work not to be able to breathe normally.

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