Levi Aron To Plead Guilty – Expected To Get ’40 Years To Life’

Highly credible sources have confirmed to YWN that the Brooklyn man accused of murdering Leiby Kletzky Z”Lwill be pleading guilty in the next week.Levi Aron, a 35-year-old hardware supply store clerk, has reportedly made a deal of “40 years to life”, in return for the guilty plea.

At the time of his indictment on July 20 2011, Kings County District Attorney Charles J. Hynes charged Levi Aron with killing eight-year-old Leiby Kletzky. Aron, was charged with two counts of Murder in the First Degree, three counts of Murder in the Second Degree, two counts of  Kidnapping in the First Degree and one count of Kidnapping in the Second Degree. If convicted, he faces a maximum of life in prison without parole.

The indictment charges that on July 11, Aron abducted Keltzky from the vicinity of 18th Avenue and Dahill Road, in Brooklyn. Aron then took the child to Aron’s apartment, at 466 East 2nd St., also in Brooklyn, where Aron killed him, according to the indictment. YWN.

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  1. anyone remember what the kletzky tragedy wake-up call from Hashem was

    During the month of june 2011-over the time of 2 weeks-3 tzaddikim, from 3 different corners of the world left to the Olam Haemes (true world) & they’re names were Harav Yitzchok Dov Koppelman ZT”L from Europe, Harav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz ZT”L from Eretz Yisroel & Harav Chaim Stein ZT”L from the U.S.A. When a tragedy like this strikes the world everyone is asking what is the message from Hashem?. The RAMCHAL in Sefer Derech Hashem quotes, when klal yisroel is in a state of Sinning R”L, suffering & pin may be imposed upon a tzaddik as an atonement for his entire generation. In doing so the Tzaddik is raised to a level of leadership in Gan eden. When THREE tzaddikim are niftar in a matter of two weeks, Hashem is already on the level of begging klal yisroel to just start תשובה & show a sign of remorse & repentance so that it does not need to continue Chas V’shalom on to a fourth tzaddik. Then These 3 Tzaddikim (above) were not enough. so this time Hashem sent a DIFFERENT KIND of tzaddik-a boy at the age of 8 R”L who has not sinned yet-to wake us all up to come to תשובה & STOP KEEP ON PUSHING IT OFF. This tragic event-of Leiby Kletzky- brought Achdus (unity) to klal yisroel but it was not enough to bring klal yisroel to confess & start doing תשובה so Hashem took 3 more tzaddikim away to the olam Haemes to wake us up to teshuva- Rabbi Dunner from England, The spinka rebbe of Yerushalyim at the early age of 79 & the next day the Baba Sali’s grandson Rav Elazar Abuchatzeirah was Stabbed to Death by another yid-just like Leiby Kletzky was killed by another yid & american yidden think Israel’s tragic wake-up calls don’t apply to them & the same with Israel not seeing American wake-up calls from Hashem- that makes 7 Tzaddikim niftar in a matter of 5 weeks. will this be enough or will it need to continue? that is up to all of us.

    May he get his justice & punishment he deserves from Hashem

  2. Why is it that Madoff gets 150 years & this creepy MURDERER gets 40 years to life?? Give him 200 years!! (Basically guaranteed to leave prison in a body bag)

  3. Better that the family shouldn’t have to go through the agony of a trail. Hopefully he’ll get ‘life’ and not ‘forty years.’

  4. This will save money, and the agony of a trial….I am sure the judge will give him life. The way he discarded the body makes the crime so gruesome and evile and he will get the maximum …..Unfortunatly it does not bring Lieby back…

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