PHOTOS: The Levaya of R’ Michoel Wiener Z’L was held this morning, attended by hundreds. The Kevurah took place at the Holocaust Memorial Chapel on 7th Street. R’ Michoel, approximately 65 years old, was a renowned, yet quiet Talmid Chochom, who spent his days and nights indulged in Learning and writing Seforim.
“We were his downstairs neighbor for a few years in Yeshiva apartments”, says a former neighbor of the Niftar. “We would always hear him walking to and from Davening with his children – they always, always spoke in learning”. “We never had any neighbor issues except once, his washing machine overflowed and water came into our apartment”. “He came over to ask if we had any damage which we didn’t, he still wanted us to be Mochel in case there was anything”.
R’ Michoel was Niftar early Thursday morning following an illness.
Shivah information will be posted when available. (Photos by Crystal Photography, and reader submitted).
not everything is for posting – but he was a tzaddik gomur – careful with every mitzvah, his whole life was torah and erlichkeit, he was known as a boki in many areas, was published – a major loss for our community. He will be sorely missed. May he be a meilitz yosher for his mishpocha, for the community, and for klal yisroel.
ניחום אבלים של משפחת ווינער Kingsfield Drive 68 (Westgate) שבעה עד יום ה’ בבקר יושבים
שחרית בשעה 8:00
מנחה בשעה 1:45
מעריב בשעה 8:15