The levaya of Ner Yisroel of Baltimore’s beloved menahel and president, Rav Sheftel Neuberger, will take place at the yeshiva at 1 PM. Nobody from outside the yeshiva bubble will be allowed into the bais medrash or the mechina buildings.
To watch the levaya, click here. You can also listen to the levaya by dialing 301-715-8592 ID: 824-6010-6228 Passcode: 551184.
Rav Sheftel zt”l was a son of famed Ner Yisroel president R’ Naftali Neuberger zt”l, and assumed his father’s position after his petirah in 2005. He was renowned for his wholehearted and selfless devotion to the yeshiva and was a famed baal tefillah whose nusach for the yomim noraim has been replicated by countless baalei tefillah.
Rav Sheftel is survived by his rebbetzin and children, as well as his siblings, Rav Shraga Neuberger, Reb Yaakov Neuberger, Reb Yitzchok Neuberger, and Rav Ezra Neuberger.