[The following is an excerpt of a letter submitted to TLS by R’ Avi Zweiback on March 17, 2011] Hi, I just wanted to personally thank everyone for all the Zechusim that was done on my behalf. There were many people that told me that they made Shalom with other parties and apparently the Eibeshter Brov Rachamov made Nissim Geluim for me………
And in the spirit of Purim where Shalom Simcha and Achdus is the theme, and as we see that the reason why Esther didn’t have Haman killed by the first party was because he was Besimcha because he was invited to the party, and only after the second party when he came avel Vchafui Rosh did Esther realize that she can get him. We see from here, when someone is Besimcha you can’t beat him. So lets make Simcha and Shalom in Klal Yisroel. A FREILECHEN PURIM!!!!!!
can you please put a link to the original letter
To # 1. https://thelakewoodscoop.com/2011/03/avrohom-yisroel-yehoshua-ben-chaya-leah-hashem-has-made-some-nissim-geluim-for-me-in-the-zchus-of-shalom.html