[LETTER] A holocaust survivor from Lakewood was shaken to tears this morning after receiving a letter from a relative in Toms River indicating the Jews would destroy their town if they purchased homes there, or if they even built a school in Lakewood which borders their town.
In a letter distributed to Township residents, possibly by a single individual, area residents were requested to attend a Township meeting to voice their strong opposition to the ‘plan’.
The letter ends off, “If we do not unite we will be doomed.” TLS.
Deal Yeshiva is in a nice area, the residents in the area haven’t been complaining, its probably just one person bitter against jews.
Wow! This is all more of a reason to buy up toms river!
I don’t understand, wouldn’t prices go up if Hasidim started buying just like prices are currently higher in Lakewood then they are in toms river?
Have any of these residents of Toms River spoken to any of their buddies in Lakewood who sold their homes to Jewish people and made out like bandits? There are many people living a very good life in retirement today BECAUSE they sold their homes to Orthodox Jewish people who pay very inflated prices to live near each other. What kind of baloney is this property values dropping thing?
what school?
hasidics wont buy a house in toms river because then they wouldn’t get bussing.
Just imagine if the word “Jews” in the letter would be replaced with “Blacks”!!? The Reverend Al Sharpie baby would be here tomorrow!! However, history shows us that its ok to say whatever youbwant to about Jews. We are in Galus. That is life.
What does the Holocaust have to do with North Dover real estate?
north dover is very expensive, much more tha n lakewood
Wich school they referin to
Maybe someone should inform them that “jews already have bought” in that area. lol
Halocha Beyedua Esu Sona Leyaakov thats life
Why would u give publicity to one nut job who put put a letter ?
Wait. So when we raise their rent they complain and when we lower the value of the property their complain as well? I don’t get it…
This is so silly since historically when “Hassidic” Jews move in real estate rises significantly. Case in point: Monsey, Brooklyn, Catskills…… Lakewood not so much, but that is due to the exteme surplus of new homes being built. Someone doesnt have their facts straight ot they dont want the “Hassidics” moving in for other reasons.
Help! Help!
The Hasids are coming! The Hasids are coming!
Ooooo! We are scary! We are dangerous! We will steal your cars! If not your cars your GPS’! And if that doesn’t work we will do drugs! And tehn we will chase you away! HAAAA HAAAA! BOOOO!!
We are the scariest of them all!
(The previous rant has been sponsored by the Brothers Grimm)
where is Abe Foxman, when you need him? seriously, at the rate Lakewood is currently growing, it’s only a matter of time before “Lakewood” extends itys borders. New central avenue runs right past westagte and turns into a new city after the Irene court development. Our community needs unique facilities such as Shuls and mikvaos which are accessible by foot due to Shabbos. As Lakewood Jewish population reaches it’s borders, living in other towns that border Lakewood will become viable options. We are eventually going to live in Brick, Jackson, Howell etc. Why aren’t we working together with these townships and their communities and discussing how we can grow together rather than growing apart? Our mayor should have a meeting with all the other mayors and discuss safety , integration, and growth plans. as I said its going to happen anyway it should at least happen in a productive manner.
this has nothing to do with falling property values and everything to do with anti semetism.
You gotta do what you gotta do ,but you can’t blame them for feeling threatened. You would feel similarly uneasy if some close knit ethnic/minority that has nothing to do with the greater community suddenly starts buying homes in your neighborhood.
Why does the letter have blocked out info? Why can’t you post the whole letter
I will sale my house to the Jews
I live in Manchester how want to buy call me
hey i live on massachusetts just before rt 70 thats toms river.. come on down make a offer!!! all good to me . if you wanna buy my home i dont care if you jewish spanish irish any ish you want!!! bring money
well i must say that north dover is a very pretty area with lots of woods.
I never got to b in the new building but i know of the mesiras nefesh r mintz went through to get a nice place for his yeshiva. In deal we had a neighbor hu gave us prob too and r mintz went and had a talk wth him and as long as we were quiet we were fine. Im sure this isnt such a big deal and if it gets to b one r mintz will take care of it.
Besides the letter makes no sense anyway they rnt hasidic and they dont need any more houses cuz they already hav 2!
Anti-Semitism at it’s best! It’s okay to say whatever one wants about the “Hasids” but don’t dare say a word about “Blacks” if you value your life! I just wonder who the writer would prefer to meet in a dark alley at 1 A:M.
Clearly, he’s misinformed. Prices will go out not down.
Perhaps her has that mixed up.
Sounds like someone has some insecurities and ignorance towards the jewish community. People can be so ignorant when they do not understand or have knowledge about a person or a group of people as this letter states. Just make it known, this letter shows that the person or persons who wrote and distributed this letter are intimidated by the Jewish People. It only shows their insecurites and stupidity. So do not let anyone be offended by its nonsense. From a Non-Jew who has taken the time to get to know & understand my fellow jewish neighbors.
Whomever wrote that letter is a jerk. I sold my home on Erica Rd 10 years ago to a very nice Orthodox man. I wanted to move out of state, he wanted to establish an Orthodox presence. I named my price, and he paid it. End of story. And previous posters are correct. you’ll never see a Hasidic man crawling through your bathroom window with a knife at 1:00am.
Thanks tls for posting the letter and nipping it in the bud before it could get out of hand
If Jews move into Toms river, it will only raise the value for homes in toms river. (It may lower Lakewoods real estate a bit).
So way the homes in Lakewood
Are so expensive ??
While this letter is in horrible taste and anti semetic, look at the issues Lakewood has. Residents of Toms River don’t want their town to be the next Lakewood.
the person(s) responsible for that letter obviously must think a lot of people will be intimidated by such remarks. it is being used as a scare tactic in order to spread the rising sentiments of antisemitism. all things wrong with the world is always the jews’ fault .history is constantly repeating itself.
Attn: # 29 -if we could “like” comments, i would “like” urs. We need more open-minded people like u in the world. -Ur neighbor, a Lakewood Jew
I agree with # 34.
Ocean County Prosecutors should prosecute anyone in Toms
River who does this to us
Airmont 2012
i think the agudah of new jersey should get involved
we are moving in too
Lets see if this story gets picked up by any of the NJ news Websites, i doubt it, but when it comes to criticizing the town folk of Lakewood they’ll spend 4 consecutive days doing that on the front page –
this letter smells racist. are jews ti b confined in the ghetto?
anyways that part of town will be built up soon be’h
If it were picked up by any “NJ News Websites” there would be a lot less moderation. The commenst would benot so one-sided.
Maybe in Toms River they are scared that they will learn how to “unnkow how to spell” like most posters here!
completely missing the point here, talk to many people that have crossed roads with the system we create they will vote down any simple shul extension simply because they know that within a couple of years of creating a presence the board of ed is under attack the budget and so forth because we don’t use their schools…. They just don’t want to deal with such a system!!!!!!
I wasn’t aware that jewish is a race.
Where’s my comment? If you have nothing to hide, why not print it. It may start a dialog where people can express themselves pro/con and solve a problem. This is exactly what Toms River is afraid of.
write whole letter scoop
i want to sue for discrimantion
do you know of a good attorney to use ?
to #36, thank you & I am raising my kids with the same open mindness. =)
Why do you think people think like they do about the people of Lakewood? I’d love to hear what you think. Think about this town and what it’s become and then answer the question. Why do you think people don’t want this to happen to their town? If this town has become such a great place to live for non-jews, why would neighboring towns not want the same for their towns?
A: We DO live in Golus. B: Who said the letter is a false statement?
#34.. you hit the nail on the HEAD..
I’m in mintz and the neighbors luv us we chill with em I’m not sure which neighbor started this but come c 4 urself
I am currently on campus and there is really no concerns the neighbors are very nice people one or two people are making a ruckus and its not worth the headache its giving everyone we recently had a car stop by and ask if this was a shul we replyed its a yeshiva and the smile on the mans face lit up the interior besides for the fact that the campus is enclosed with bushes and unless there is too much noise everything will be fine imy”h
As a close resident to the religous school I find that the boys are kind and they look out for eachother with care and other residents should come and learn an example from these boys. Honestley I was skeptical at first but after meeting a few of them and seeing how they took out their time to talk with my husband and I we felt touched and are pro hasidic schools now. I hope everyone will come to realize what caring boys are there and I’m sure their teachers are just as warm.
I live in the area and feel anyone writing such a letter is like Hitler and is contiuing the Holocaust which we all lived through directly or indirectly. Let people live
Your Gentile neighbor
I wonder y Jews bring up the real estate ? Is it perhaps because they r quite peaceful people who don’t steal Rob do drugs threatening and animalistic well if that’s the case then by all means let’s invite Jews all over perhaps the crime rate will drop
As a bocher in the yeshiva i can say that most of the neighbors have been supportive. We feel very at home here and we are not afraid at all. Needless to say, there will always be a few people who will complain about things. Our Rosh met with some of the neighbors and ask them to report to him any disturbances directly to him. We also got a schmooz the beginning of the zman that we should be careful around the block.
still some homes in lakewood, only a few in very good place’s .
Much luck to Rabbi m and his crew
do we need these reminders that we are still in golus?—the answer is resounding yes!!!!!—-our “perfect” life here is merely a temporary one–sometimes we tend to get too comfortable…….
While it is true that the new “homeowners” in Lakewood, did at one time pay over inflated prices for housing. This brought up the rates in Lakewood, which some people are still trying to deal with. This also resulted in some areas going way below market value, giving people with lots of capital the chance to buy up large areas, neighborhoods, etc. Now they have taxes and mortgages and cannot sell for a profit, so they are forced to rent, and my friends section 8 pays well. This has driven the rest of the original owners out of town. Then you have the banking downfall, and the economy take a dump and now you have Lakewood. Although we are still building house, condos, apartments like frontiers in the old west, making some areas even more depressed. Throw in schools which number over 80, buses that are in the hundreds on the streets 6 days a week and my friends you have Lakewood. Lets touch on special interest groups, voting bloc power and yes the dirty work Politics. But not in this article as, I know if I went into it, it would never be published. Although the scoop does publish a lot of racy things, but it cannot and won’t go against the local political machine. Now 1 day if I get some extra time and energy I am gonna open a blog and let it all hang out. That’s right folks over 80 years of dirt like you have never seen, especially you new timers.
Ok back to my main point, who could or would blame, Toms River, Jackson, Brick residents for not wanting their town to turn into all of this upheaval. These towns are already feeling the Lakewood pinch as many of our displaced residents have moved into some of these towns already.
Enough Said, thank you to the scoop for being right on top of the issues.
and Howell look good, NPGS is close by, the heck with Toms River
What’s with all the bochurim on the internet???
how many bochrim in the yeshiva have internet i think we should send a free bus to go to the yeshiva and take them to the asifa
I live in brick and work in brick schools and have noticed over the past two years and influx in students moving from Lakewood. As soon as investors bought in Raintree and are cleaning it up brick is seeing a shift, especially in the town homes/condo and apts which are now owned by “investors” many who own Lakewood properties.
There used to be a Kollel and Yeshiva in Toms River, does this have anything to do with that place?
Maybe it’s all the garbage, trash and unkempt properties in Lakewood?
Now I know why there is someone like me! If I only would have known I could have done so much with my house I might still have one!
the property value will go up.Lakewood homes are expensive because people want to live here.we are no danger to ANYONE! people need to think before writing or even talking for that matter.we try to make lakewood a safe place to live.
to # 57
stop beating that dead horse!!
number 58 amung every race religon creed there are people that faulter , so stop with that nonsence . this letter is totally wrong and the person the wrote it should be forced to openly appoligise to anyone that took offense , not just jews but anyone, because i am just as offended as anyone else
What an hateful person, its proven that were ever the Jews move in the property value’s skyrocket. the letter writer is evidently driven by hate and not facts
O let’s all be careful
don’t forget to buy raffles
id like to compliment everyone today on sharing yourthouhgts, in a respectful way. many comments can be distastful at times. but not today!
my home value has dropped a bit, yes. but not becasuse of the Rebbe!
its because of the choices on the market, and great prices available in other areas of lakewood.
also, whats the problem if someone moves from lakewood to another town like Brick? you dont want to replace one homeowner with another? the argument is all a bit illogical…dont yo think?
I’m interested in whether Hasidic or orthodox population is interested in my development right off of county line road, the flair development? I would sell immediately for the right price.
There is complete panic in the streets in jackson and I am hearing the most anti-semetic remarks since I grew up in astoria as a kid. I am amazed at the fear that is bringing out peoples true nature towards Jews not just chasidic but all jews. I will sell my home on a nice cul-desac just to (moderated) all my now antisemetic neighbors off.