LETTER: This Purim, Please Don’t Overlook the ‘Unofficial’ Rabbonim

opinionDear Lakewood friend and neighbor, Purim is one of the times of year when people show appreciation to those they feel indebted to. Beautiful Mishloach Manos, often accompanied by a nice note and check, are delivered to Rabbeim, teachers, Morohs etc.

I’d like to point out the one type of person who seems to be overlooked.

There are about eight “official” BMG Rabbonim. The original four, and some new ones added recently. However, there are approximately ten Roshei Chaburah who have developed into “unofficial” Rabbonim. My husband is one of them.

My husband is constantly being called, texted and taken away from his regular Sedorim and from his family. The “official” Rabbonim have set hours, but the “unofficial” Rabbonim are the ones you are dropping things off at their houses at all times, from Erev Yom Kippur to Erev Pesach. When you have a question at the busiest times, it’s the “unofficial” Rabbonim you reach out to. When unsure where and how to put up Mezuzahs, it’s the “unofficial” Rabbonim you ask to come down to your house. These “unofficial” Rabbonim guide you through various Halacha, Hashkafa, emotional, and Sholom Bayis issues. And the list goes on and on.

Please be aware that these “unofficial” Rabbonim receive absolutely nothing (in this world) for all their countless hours of work. The “official” BMG Rabbonim receive both a salary and are collected for Chanukah and Purim time. The “unofficial” Rabbonim are working selflessly just for you.

Please take the opportunity this Purim to show your appreciation for all my husband and the people like him do for you.

Thank you and a Freilichen Purim.

From a wife who sees her husband constantly helping others but taken for granted.

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