Letter: This is dangerous

To whom this may concern,

My son was riding his bike today and suddenly fell off his bike after something got caught in his wheel.

After getting up (b”h he wasn’t injured), he realized this metal item was to blame. It appears to be the frame for one of those ground signs that are stuck into the grass.

I don’t have an issue with these signs, but I do have an issue if they’re just left to fall apart and cause a danger to bikers and pedestrians.

Please make sure these are cleaned up so others don’t get injured.

Thank you,

A mother.

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  1. They can get sucked up into the wheel well of your car and mess up your liner and bumper, organizations that place signs around town should be completely responsible for the cleanup of such signs, kind a idiculous how signs will still be there months later

  2. Who gives them permission to put out those signs??
    1) they put it a lot of times on private properties without asking permission from house owner.
    2) it stays there for months and months after, it falls and it’s a mess as the above letter and more.

  3. The township should enact a law that those who put them out (usually claiming they have a “permit”) must go back out after 2 weeks and collect them back. And fines for failure to do so. Many people have gotten injured on Central Avenue from these recently, especially when its dark outside. Time will tell whether those in charge really care about our safety!

  4. Legally you need a permit. Lakewood twp has rules about these signs and a large deposit is required to insure you collect them. HOWEVER no one follows the rules and the township doesn’t enforce the ordinance. The only signs that don’t need a permit is political signs. Go figure.

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