Letter: Teachers, Allow us to do our ‘Home Work’

opinionTeachers, with Purim behind us and Pesach preparations in full swing, there’s one thing parents don’t need now. It’s the extra headache of homework.

And I say our headache, because let’s face it, the pressure of homework is equally pressuring for the parents as it is for the children. Time is at a premium during this time of year, and needing to set aside time during these hectic evenings for homework just isn’t right.

The homework children should be focusing now, is real ‘home work’ – such as helping their parents with getting ready for the Yom Tov which needs the most preparing.

Thank you.

A frustrated mother in Lakewood.

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  1. Thanks for posting!! I totally agree. My eighth grader sat last night for three hours, which is hard on any night, but certainly at this time of the year!! the teacher gave them a test, and just called it a quiz, but the studying was for a very long time!!! I hope the people that need to read this, will!!

  2. Dear Frustrated,
    I agree with the idea.
    I don’t agree with the tone: “headache”, “real home work”, “frustrated”.
    We are here to help your son. Giving homework is more difficult than not giving homework. We do it because it helps your son. Yes, there are times when we shouldn’t give homework or we should give lighter homework, but, please understand that, when we do, your child is not learning as much. Yes, I know, some parents don’t really care. We do! (well, many of us do.) For us, we choose not to give homework when we think carefully about its advantages and disadvantages at a given time and circumstance and deem that the proper decision and we appreciate when you give us the precious information necessary to make that decision. The decision is not made because we think it’s not “real” – we believe it is real! (crazy idea!) The decision is not made because it’s a headache or because we are frustrated. The decision is made based solely on what is beneficial for your child.
    Sincerely yours,
    A teacher who truly cares about your son’s education

  3. #3, you wrote very nicely. How about giving ten minutes at the end of class for “homework”, especially as it gets closer to pesach? I can’t imagine you wont be able to cover your curriculum by using the last ten minutes for review, as opposed to teaching new material!

  4. Actually r matisyahu Solomon said a few years back that there shouldn’t be any homework. I guess all you teachers & principals know better.

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