Dear Lakewood Scoop,
I promised to publicize when our yeshua came about and we are doing so here, with so much gratitude to the Hashem. I also hope that maybe it will help others as well.
We were challenged recently in getting our daughter into Seminary. This year we heard many girls had the same situation.
My wife saw advertised the Segula of lighting a candle and saying Perek 86 in Tehilim, saying you are lighting this candle L’zecher nishmas R’ Masya ben Charash requesting a salvation in his Zchus. Then repeat the entire above order (lighting one candle with the saying “I’m lighting this candle…” and reading the above Perek) one more time, and then again… a total of 18 times. After that, say the following verses (from Perek of the Tehilim), which spell out KRAH SATTAN.
B’H! Hashem answered our Tefelos and our daughter is heading to Seminary.
As we promised, we are being mefarsim the segula and our hope is that others will also have their Tefillos answered.
Here is a website that discuses this Segulah.
TLS welcomes your letters by submitting them to [email protected]
Assuming it is a good thing she’s going to seminary..
Just do away with this whole seminary craziness and then we won’t be challenged anymore!!!!!!!
אין סגולה כתורה
for all those not in school yet. this message comes at a perfect time!!! hope all prayers get answered!!!!
Happy to hear that your daughter had her “yeshuah”.
But didn’t you also daven?
So on what basis do you assume that it was the segulah?
All of this “segulah hype” in all of our publications trivializes the power of teffilah.
MK is absolutely correct
A segulah is a great thing to try and do BUT turning directly to Hashem with heartfelt tefillah is waaaaaay more powerful and a bigger chance of being answered then going through a messenger rather it’s a Rebbe or a segulah or even a physical messenger like a doctor or lawyer when needed. And yes we all need to do our hishtadlus but when a person turns directly to our loving father Hashem for help then he lacks nothing, as we say at the end of bentching from tehillim v’dorshei Hashem…… Which means for one that seeks out Help from Hashem DIRECTLY lacks nothing that is good.
mk, you never know what caused it, but on the possibility it was from this segula they must publicize it like they promised.
Who said you should send your daughter to seminary? I never saw it in Shulchan Aruch or Mishnah Berurah or Igros Moshe.
the same sefer that says you should buy a car instead of hitching or getting rides
Same here
I did the Segula recently on something that I had completely given up on. As there didn’t seem to be any chance of situation turning around.
And bh soon afterwards I bh saw a complete yeshuah. TBH I had my doubts but was in dire need and bh that I did follow through. Thank you Hashem
Hashem could just as easily get your daughter into seminary without a segulah. Just a heartfelt tefilah with tzedakah goes very far.
ah so tzedaka is youre segula, how bout a heartfelt tefilah with some candles
please don’t become an apikores if this doesn’t work for you, remember it’s only a segula, not a guarantee
And now, do a Segura and take your daughter out.
You prayed for the opportunity to spend 35k on- at best- a daycamp year?!
i dont think they would give the money back so maybe leave her in the seminary. also so many ppl benefit from seminary so if you have a personal trauma or just cant understand other ppl maybe just ask around a little and open your mind a bit. and yes i agree its way overpriced but thats not any students fault. also some girls pay for their own seminary so….
If one feels that difficulties are upon him. There is one true tested segula guaranteed. Sayאמן יהא שמי רבה with concentration and it will cause מעבירין את רוע הגזירה. You don’t have to pay anyone.
nice segulah, ive done it by his kever in israel, its also a great place to daven, he was a real special servant of hashem! theres a notable story said about masya ben charash which is brought down in seforim and the sign by his kever says the story as well, it goes something along these lines- the satan asked hashem who is a big tzaddik, Hashem responded “masya” the satan then asked if he could test him and was given approval, the satan dressed up like the most beautiful woman in the world and passed infront of Masya but masya just turned his head, the woman kept going back and forth as masya kept avoiding to look, eventually masya turned the wrong way and saw her for a second, being devasted with what had happened, he asked his student to heat up some metal until its red hot, he took the boiling hot metal and scorched his eyes as to never have such a nisayon again. hashem then sent a malach to heal his eyes but masya insisted on staying blind for it is not worth seeing if he will see something bad. hashem again sent a malach but this time ensuring him that he’ll never get tested again with seeing something not good for his eyes. masya then agreed and was healed from his blindness allowing him to see again! take what you want from the story, but one things forsure he defenitely has zechusim and like the gemara in shabbos says “tzaddikim are greater when they die more than when theyre alive” so daven b’zchus masya ben charash and once youre at it, it doesnt hurt to light some candles!
If you don’t send your daughter to seminary there is a great chance that they will have difficulty during the dating process.
Unreal. Need basic Bitachon… Please…
We need affordable seminaries here in USA. Many just can’t afford 35k.
I sent my daughter to Israel for seminary, it was no where near 35k!
@monsey mom, that is the propaganda you have been fed. how many many many girls don’t go to seminary in e”y and get married?? (Do some research and you will be surprised.) How many of them get married? (Do some research and you will be surprised.) how many many many girls who DID go struggle with shidduchim?? (do some research and you will be surprised)
I concur. I sent to seminary in EY and can’t seem to marry them off. I have attended chasunas of girls who didn’t go to sem at all, but have not been zocheh to walk my own seminary grads down the aisle yet 🙁
Chances are – the people who didn’t go to seminary, are also the type to go out with boys who you wouldn’t let your seminary grads go out with…
Is this a joke?
Tuition plane visits spending trip home for pesach. 35k is real.
Keep the states & save the floose for other things.