I feel compelled to write this letter after reading all the recent letters and comments on TLS regarding the various auspicious days (ie – Reb Shaya ben R Moisha) and crises (ie – Shidduch) and more.
Those who are accustomed to saying the Ani Maamins are very familiar with the one, where we proclaim that all is from Hashem. Everything! it is Hashem alone (levado) that does and will do. Only Hashem, nobody else.
I see a trend that began a few years ago that is at an incredibly all time high these days so it seems, of marketing, promoting, advertising and at times even aggressively pushing segulos. Some are real, as in brought down al pi chazal, yet, sadly, many are made up and have no basis or mesorah.
The way we treat segulos today is terrible and anti this Ani Maamin. Almost as if to say, davening and turning to Hashem is not going to work, not good enough and we must do these segulos in order to get what we feel we need. Truthfully speaking, either way you look at it these alleged segulos are severing our relationship with Hashem. They do not bring us closer to Hashem. Allow me to explain.
If the segula doesn’t work then we begin to feel that nothing works. If the segula does work then we will credit the segula for getting us what we want. If we do many different segulos and see a yeshua then we will spend lots of time trying to figure out which segula it was that finally did it for us. All of these scenarios take us away from recognizing that it is only Hashem who does.
What is most painful to me is the marketing of these segulos and the guilt it creates in the mind of the person in need. Taking advantage of the vulnerable is the lowest of the low. When someone is not well, someone needs a shidduch, wants a child, needs a job or whatever their need is, and they are feeling that their teffilos are not being answered, they undoubtedly begin to turn away from davening better and turn to the segula. Afterall, as advertised, this segula forsure is worth doing because according to “everyone” if I just do this and this or this I will also be answered.
We have people today that are spending so much time saying Nishams, baking challa, saying Perek yud Gimmel in Tehillim, giving kupat hair, going to kerestir, going to kosel for 40 days, saying shir hashirim, saying perek shira and so much more (just look at all the segula ads out there for more ideas) – and many doing multiple things daily. They are becoming convinced it is all of these things that will help them. Not Hashem, but rather the segula that is the ikkur.
Don’t get me wrong. Hishtadlus is important. Taking upon oneself something small or extra as a way of connecting and becoming closer to Hashem is all wonderful. Connecting to a chazal or a suggestion of what more one can do in addition to putting all of their efforts into their teffila is very nice. I am not talking about that. I am talking about putting all or most of your efforts and belief into segulos.
Over the years, many of our Gedolay Rabbonim, Gedolay Yisroel and Manhiggim have constantly been encouraging us to daven, daven, daven and when all else fails daven again. It is only through our truly believing (Ani Maamin Bi’emunah Shelayma) that it is Hashem (Haboray Yisborach Shemo) – Alone (Levado) – who does and will do for us ALL / EVERYTHING (Lechol Hamaasim).
To those who are busy with all these segulos, you need to stop or you will go crazy believing that it is all these extra things being thrown at you that will be your salvation and instead calmly take out your siddur, daven better, daven slower, learn about what it is you are saying and just put your total trust in Hashem.
A Lakewood father
TLS welcomes your letters by submitting them to [email protected]
When someone suggested to me to give him tzedaka to this and this thing and I’ll get a yeshua, I told him first let the yeshua happen and if it’s within a week he’ll get some money. Also theirs a story about someone going to the satmar Rebbe saying he says parsgas Ha ‘man everyday and no parnasa, he answered parsgas Haman is till 9 o’clock 9 o’clock go to work. We see you need also some hishtadlus I guess.
I love that line. First send me the yeshuah and then I’ll send you the money!
Well said
I have to agree with you when it comes to totally random action sort of segulahs (key challah for those that don’t have the minhag) but something like saying nishmas is daavening to Hashem.
Baking challah – performing one of the three feminine mitzvos is an Eis Ratzon and a great time to daaven to Hashem, as well as a mitZvah whose zechus you can hope will yield the yeshua that you hope for
I understand where you are coming from but not all segulahs can just be considered “lucky charms”. Some of them actually have a basis in yiddishkeit
See malbim yirmiyahu 44 passuk 17 .mentioned in kuzzary, and others that Jews of bayis rishon era really didn’t worship idols rather segulos to bring the shefa down to them ……
And has become a religion onto itself……
Good point. But why does everyone put their thoughts out in letters to the scoop?
Also I suggest anyone looking for a Shidduch to either themselves or friend go to yeshivas and ask around do you know a boy the age so and so for so and so, it’s not easy but maybe.
Love Elliots idea!
So extremely well said and well written!and absolutely true! Hashem is hakol yachol. He is the only ONE to go to. Once a person realizes that, he’ll see Iyh the yeshuos come bikarov.
Every word of the author is so true and we all need to immediately start putting our complete Bitachon and Emunah in Hashem directly whenever we are in need of anything
I agree and disagree. I agree that all these segulos are out of control- desperate people disconnected from the religion who need to feel they are doing something unique and special. All I think when I see or hear of this segula or that one is scam and pathetic. Taryag mitzvos and all daled chelkei shulchan aruch are enough of a start for virtually everyone. Are you perfecting yourself more and more in kibud av v’ am and lashon hara and onaas devarim and gemilus chasadim? Have you perfected yourself in everything from Sharei Teshuva and Mesilas Yesharim? Go worry about saying this perek of tehillim or baking this challa… after you have apologized and appeased those you have wronged and repair all those relationships- like it is mefurash in chazal and paskened in halacha. Make sure all your eating and sleeping… and everything you do is only leshem shamoyim as is paskened in s”a then you can think about spending your money on this new fangled segula. Be dan lekaf zechus and mekabel kol adam besevir panim yafos, genuinely not because it’s on your checklist or you heard it in a speech but because that is the person you are. I disagree on the point where you make us out to be insignificant, of course everything comes from Hashem and without Him constantly willing it into existence nothing would exist however our free will has tremendous potential and accomplishment. One has to be trying to perfect himself like Moshe Rabeinu and be mekayim lesheves yitzara. All the gedolim became who they were because of their choices to grow and become the great people they became and they changed the world and were megaleh kavod shemayim and like Avraham Avinu continued the tradition to make everyone here know His name. Gedola mayseh tzadikim yoser
Thank you for saying what has to be said.
Segulos have become the Egel Hazahav of our generation!
When something goes wrong we should not run to a segula!
We need to run to MELECH MALCHEI HAMELACHIM because no outside source can do WHAT HE ALONE can do.
You can go through motions of hushtadlus.
You can say nishmas and perek Shira and daven by kivrei Tzaddikim. But you, and I, and all ppl, must remember and have in mind that ONLY Hashem can bring the yeshua. It’s not the Tzaddik. It’s not the nishmas. It’s the BOREI OLAM YISHTABACH SHEMO!
This post is an individual’s isolated personal opinion & doesn’t have any basis if someone feels they want to connect & come closer to Hashem thru various segulos enacted by VERY great heilig Rabbis of past generations
TLS was supposed to be meant for newsworthy alerts, important events or updates pertaining to Lakewood & close extended areas
I would agree with your comment if it were really true that those busy with sagulas were doing them to become closer to Hashem. Unfortunately, I think that the letter writer and so far almost all the comments seem to feel that these sagulas are out of control and probably causing people to believe it is the sagula that will make things happen.
Thank you TLS for posting this letter. It’s written well and makes a very good point. I for one will show this letter to my Rov for hadracha. My hunch is he will agree with what’s written.
So, lets just leave it at this,
Getting closer to Hashem through an intermediary is controversial to say the least.
Even more so, if that intermediary is a person who is no longer alive….
First of all I would hope that those that go to a kever to daven are actually davening to hashem in the zechis of the tzadik or otherwise it may not even be permitted. So they are davening to hashem. Also please dont judge people that are desperate many that have davened and davened for years without apparent yeshua and are desperate to try anything. It is not a fun place to be. Not that the sigils is necessarily an answer but sometimes people are willing to try anything.
Your absolutely right that when they go to a Kever they are still davening to Hashem but it’s not the same powerful as davening with complete bitachon and emunah directly in Hashem alone without any segulah or Rebbe messenger between you and our loving father Hashem waiting to help and answer his loving children klal yisroel tefillos when we call out to Hashem WHOLEHEARTEDLY AND DIRECTLY TO HASHEM for help in anything we need.
Now already for thousands of years Hashem is waiting for us to call out WHOLEHEARTEDLY for Mashiach to come already but sadly we’re missing the most important part of helping bring Mashiach already bkarov. We’re lacking in the “tzipisa lyeshua” YEARNING FOR MASHIACH we’re so happy in this technology world generation golus we’re in R”L
May we all wake ourselves up immediately and realize what we’re missing every second Mashiach is still not here without the 3rd Bais Hamikdosh built.
segulos are mentioned in the gemara and Rishonim and that is why we dip the apple in honey on Rosh Hashana, and if and when so instructed by a true Tzadik then whatever one is told to do can be very powerful, and it is also a known fact that davening at the kever of a tzadik helps that person with his problems, this is brought in the gemara and in the Rishonim, how sad that in our generation this too is sometimes forgotten.
However ein segulah kaTorah, so learning or helping others learn, keeping or helping others keep the Holy Torah is the greatest segulah.
Tzedaka is also mentioned in the gemara in a few places. Ma’avir al middosav is mentioned. In siddur HaGra it says that chessed opens the gates of Heaven. Any dvar mitzvah creates an es ratzon for tefilla.
Reb Moshe Feinstein zt”l writes in a teshuva that davening in a makom kadosh like a shul with tznius creates an es ratzon.
Reb Yaakov Kamenetsky zt”l used to say that supporting Torah with dishonestly earned money can have the opposite effect to becoming a Talmid Chochom.
Reb Matisyahu Solomon shlit”a used to say that if it is a segulah to say Brich Shmei when they take out the Torah, then it is also a segulah to daven at the beginning of the new zman when the yeshiva is sitting down to begin learning. He also said that davening in yeshiva is almost like davening at the Kosel.
To be honest, or shall I say truth be told, I’m not really sure what your points are. As the letter writter pretty clearly laid out for us, yes there are sagulas that are real and brought down. Nobody is arguing that. What this writer is saying is that today there are made up sagulas and almost everything is a sagula to the point that people are relying more on the sagula then Hashem.
Apple and honey on R’H is not described as a segulah. The Gemora says it is simana milsa. See Meiri as to what this means.
It’s not just wrong. It’s one of several severe issuray Torah. Nichush. Doresh El hamesim.
Tamim tihyeh.
According to the Torah, THIS IS THE difference between a Yid and a Goy!
A goy goes after segulos, kosmim and meoninim, vatem lo chen nasan lachem hashem.
People today are totally confused about what a Yod is. They think it’s about being spiritual. NOTHING could be further from the truth.
Kfira is used by chazal as a Yiddishe zach.
Kol hakofer bavoda Zara NIKRA Yehudi
Mr lakewood father I dare you from now on not to say the Pasuk and give money to reb Meir Baal Haneis when your lose something.
Again, I believe that you (not from NJ) are totally missing the point. Nobody is saying there aren’t real sagulas. What is being said here is that the marketing and promoting (and the making up of – these are my words) all these modern day sagulas is what the issue is.
Using your example, if the Lakewood father loses something and says the posuk while giving tzedaka and thinks that it is not Hahsem who will cause him to find his lost object rather its the sagula, then that is a problem. If he davens and as an addition he says the posuk knowing it is from Hahsem but that there is an added zchus because of the tzedaka he is giving then that’s ok.
It scarily sounds like from your comment “daring” the Lakewood father not to say the posuk that you believe it is the sagula only that will help find the object. As if to say that the only way to find something lost is by saying the posuk. I hope for your sake that you don’t actually believe that.
Magic is real. No question. But it’s goyish. And it’s ASSUR!
See Avoda Zara 54, people who do these get what they need or want .
But it’s ASSUR, just like chillul shabbos.
I’m actually wondering if pikuach nefesh is docheh magic. Definitely not Avoda zara
Not all segulos are created equal. Some are mentioned in Chazal. Some are truly chosuver inyanan and create tremendous zechyos for the person whether they help him with his tzora or not.
But some even if they don’t hurt for many people would still fall into “Chodosh Ossr min Hatorah” comment of the Chasom Sofer. And some…were created or publicized by people making money off you keeping them. Stay away!
Does anyone know about the segulah from Reb Kanievsky for breech baby? I can’t seem to find anywhere.
If it gives a Yid chizuk what is the problem? I imagine you dont support going to Uman for Rosh hashanah either?
not everything that gives a Yid chizzuk is kosher
sometimes the Yetzer Hara convinces a person he will get chizzuk by doing something, but its a test
I agree with the author, but would not consider tzedaka inappropriate. Our focus should be on torah, tefilah, and tzedaka, all three together.
(requiring that the tzedaka be given to a specific origination is a different story… but keep giving tzedaka!)
What I think he’s saying is as follows if it doesn’t cost money or not too much why not try it also if you can afford ztrdaka you must give it, but people shouldn’t take advantage of a situ6or persuade people to do things especially if it costs money and may make a c”h as traveling vdai lemaiven.
The letter writer is primarily addressing all these elusive organizations that run huge ads promising everything to anyone who donates to their segula. I agree so strongly – it’s so wrong, so evil, to target people’s desperation and vulnerability. I hope someone who has convinced himself he’s doing a huge mitzva by spreading his pet segula will read this and realize he’s cruelly profiting off others’ tzaros. Find another way to make money!
As far as the other side, everyone’s right. Use seichel, and do segulos if it’s bringing you closer to Hashem.
@Oy vey! u completely missed my own point as well. 0The point is we daven on a daily basis in the merit of our Avos to save us. There are many tzadikim that have a lot more pull in shamayim then many of us. On our own we may not merit a specific yeshua. but when we give tzedaka and ask in the merit of a tzadik, Hashem finds favor in them and in us and in that merit the yeshua comes.
Pull is a system which works in Lakewood not in shomayim SORRY.
Regarding challah, chazal say the 3 mitzvos of puranus for a woman are challah, nidda, hadlokas haner. Now, since everything good is always 500 times (with ahava or 250 for yirah) better than bad, it must be that through these mitzvos a woman can get 500 times more than death(which is extremely high!).
This is why we daven during these 3 times.
But, remember, it’s theTtfillah that matters.
To the Lakewood father I am sorry if i came across harsh. I realize you and your daughter are probably hurting after trying different segulas and feel like it was unsuccessful. Hashem does not fault people for using segulos (when done with correct intentions) just like like He does not fault people for turning to doctors and medicine. Its neither kishuf nor apikorses. Hashem created doctors and medicine so we can be healed eventho He is the ultimate source of life! I was older when i got married so I also jumped on the “segula bandwagon”. But I never felt like organazations i donated to were scamming me or taking advantage of me just cuz I was lonely. I never felt victimized because my yeshua didnt happen. On the contrary I felt tzedaka organazations really wanted me to have a yeshua. Tzedaka opens up the gates of rachamim. Of course I davened to Hashem and knew he is the ultimate source of salvation. But I felt comfort knowing I gave extra tzedaka so that maybe my yeshua can come. i felt comfort knowing people were davening for me at the kotel or kivrai tzadikim. I felt comfort in saying perek shira and attaching myself to the beauty of nature and felt inspiration from a tiny ant. Of course if you fully believe that a specific amount of money with a specific prayer by a specific rabbi is going to bring a specific yeshua then that is apikorses. And its especially disheartening when your daughter is still single after donating 100s of dollars! Or more! or similarly if the person u davened for didnt get better. But when giving money or performing segulas with the right intentions how do u know it didnt work? Did your daughter in the interim marry the wrong boy and end up either divorced or trapped in a horrible marriage like sadly some of her peers? No! Did the person u daven for live a longer life with a better quality of life? Quite possibly yes!! At the end of the day you can believe what your want and I will believe what I want and the outcome will be then same. I got married at 27 to a boy younger then me who probably wasnt even dating by the time I was considered an older single. Honestly half the time I was crying out to Hashem my hushand wasnt even dating so of course my tefillos and segulos didnt work. Until it worked!. And yet I fully believe in the power of segulos from the holy tzadikim. Because. They. Can. Bring. Yeshuous.
Now onto the next segulah. if anyone (obviously not from NJ! ) sees someone during the month of iyar standing out in the rain opening their mouth to try to catch a few drops, you can be mostly sure its me. Thank you Rabbi Pinchas of Koritz for bringing down this segulah for health!