This is Ron Benvenisti. Many TLS readers know me from my numerous columns here on TLS going back many years, on CyberSecurity. I would like to relate one of many experiences I have had with recovering files that have been accidentally deleted. I don’t believe I had discussed this on TLS before.
I was approached by a neighbor who somehow deleted most of his Yeshiva Bochur’s recordings of three years of shiurim from the memory card of his recorder while attempting to copy them to the family’s computer.
Unfortunately, I have found that most of the commercially available recovery software do not do a thorough job. I had tried two of the most highly rated ones and met with no success.
There are firms which will charge thousands of dollars to recover files after even the best software has failed.
I decided to bring out the heavy ammunition used in military grade forensics. After all, if it could recover Hillary’s deleted emails, it could surely recover a Yeshiva Bochur’s shiurim.
Success. All files were recovered and restored to the Bochur’s memory card and a backup was copied to the home computer.
If anyone is having these types of issues, please feel free to contact me through the Scoop.
I will also be announcing a new and inexpensive program that is geared for IT Managed Services Providers (MSPs) who deal with numerous, even thousands of customers and any size in-between. This program will lockdown the MSP provider as well as all their customers while giving them full access to their tasks. I was not ready to announce it until it was fully “bulletproof” and can be offered at an extremely low cost. It is performing very well in field testing environments and will be offering it soon.
BTW, this is a win-win situation because the government has not allowed me to contract with them as they refuse to give me a religious exemption due to the pandemic. This is a terrible blow to National Security because the Armed Forces have also been denied, all of us without pay.
I can still offer Cybersecurity services privately and I am excited about helping our local providers with new affordable military grade products that don’t need any extensive hands on operation.
Please contact me through TLS if interested.
Thank You,
Is there any hope for my iphone that crashed with very important pictures on it, that have not been backed up?
I know of at least two non-profit websites that were hacked in Lakewood that Mr. Benvenisti restored very quickly and refused to take any money. He is a mentsch besides being great at what he does.
I can also comment that R’ Benvenisti has assisted many of our k’hal (and others who recommended him) with filtering their phones through V’Nishmartem and I believe TAG. Also in these cases, he would not accept any money.
If you have the 30-pin dock connector cable for transferring data that came with your iPhone, I may be able to help you. Please get my contact info from TLS.
Thank you Mr. Benvinisti for getting my son’s shuirim back. He is very appreciative and relieved!
Thank you for sharing your expertise with the rest of us. I have had very good luck with a program called “Recuva”. Formerly part of I hope the government sees the error of their ways. Yeh ;(
Thank you for your service. I am in the military and also have not been able to get a religious exemption. We are receiving no pay and are relieved of duty until further notice. This has been a tremendous burden to my family and apparently the government couldn’t care less. I am an aircraft mechanic and am having a difficult time finding work as most airlines have the same requirements for staff. I certainly hope someone steps up to offer you a job at any level in your field as the government has shown no gratitude and instead punishes the very one’s they need the most.
I am eagerly awaiting the msp program:)
I will be making the official release within the next 2 weeks, IYH.
I have a few hard drives that stopped spinning so I don’t have access to the files. Anything to do about that?
How do I contact Ron- I have a crashed USB that I want to access the info from?
You can text me at 917-709-1228 with TLS as the message. I will get back to you as soon as possible. Please do not call as non-recognized numbers will likely not be answered and flagged as spam.