Dear school and business-owners,
As our community continues to grow, so do the challenges of navigating our busy lives. One pressing issue faced by many families is the logistical nightmare of arranging childcare.
Each morning, thousands of parents in Lakewood are taking their children to daycares, and then picking them up in the afternoon. This adds thousands of cars on the congested roads around town.
Lakewood schools and businesses have an opportunity to reduce a lot of traffic by providing on-site babysitting services within their facilities.
This approach – already implemented by some schools and businesses – offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it alleviates traffic congestion in our streets, as parents no longer need to make multiple trips to drop off and pick up their children from external babysitting locations. Secondly, mothers can now have more hands-on involvement in their children’s lives, freed from the stress of shuttling between locations.
Additionally, this service can provide valuable support for working parents, enabling them to focus on their professional responsibilities without worrying about childcare arrangements.
Just a thought.
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So imagine this, in middle of the winter you realize you do not like your job…but you can’t switch because how are you going to get your kid into a babysitter in middle of the winter? Not only that, but you missed the deadline to get your kid into a babysitter for next year…and guess what? If I know it, your employer knows it too. So when you approach him for a raise, what’s incentive to say yes? See where there may be some issues to this plan?
This is obviously assuming not every business will have the capacity to offer babysitting services. If every business had their own babysitting then you can just transition into the next one. But not every business can offer the same benefits. More than half the businesses in Lakewood are startups and don’t have so many employees.
When available, this can be greatly beneficial. And moving forward it is something that should be taken into consideration when building.
However, there are a number of factors to bear in mind. For starters, any existing schools or offices likely do not have an empty area that meets the legal requirements for a childcare center. So for existing schools and businesses it is not likely to be an option.
Amongst new construction schools and businesses it is often a consideration, but not always feasible. Take ABC Corp for example, they have a staff of thirty five women ranging from seminary graduates to grandmothers and another twelve men mostly between forty and sixty. They are building an office building and well rent out a few suites as well. They can easily design an area to build a daycare, but nobody wants to operate it because they are located in an out of the way area, and there won’t be enough clientele to cover the expenses of operation.
Or take XYZ school, they are building a state of the art new building and would love to have a daycare to accommodate their teachers, but most of the teachers said they wouldn’t send there because they are only there in the morning or afternoon and that would make the pickup/drop-off to complications and they would prefer a daycare around the corner.
Of course, in many circumstances it does work out, and that is highly beneficial to the employer because it is essentially a free perk that pays rent. But it is not always a given that it will work.
It can be beneficial for the companies as well bec their staff can now come earlier and leave abit later…
Ontop of that, they can probably make a few extra bucks doing this 😉
Completely unworkable, so now businesses or office buildings should have to hire babysitters that their workers/tenants would want to use to watch their children and be responsible for said babysitters too.
They don’t “have to” do anything.
Writer is floating an idea…
And nobody said they need to be responsible for it. Let it come off the workers paycheck.
I think BMG should offer on site babysitting services. This way the Yungeleit can bring their kids and take them home after learning.
Many public high schools in inner cities have this as well. Yes for the 16 year old female students.
For this to work businesses and building have to hire babysitters, if they do so they are responsible for what happens, even if their pay comes form the workers/tenants and as I said they would have to get such babysitter that their workers/tenants want, because as of now, people send their kids to the babysitter tehy choose not the one their boss/building manager chooses. It is an unworkable idea, but a nice fantasy.
I know of one company in this town that has a babysitting service but only allows the female employees to bring their babies and not the male employees. Do you think that is a good idea?
I think thats probably illegal discrimination.
Yes but it is still done. None of the employees will mention it because they are afraid of losing their job.
That would be illegal too and even bigger grounds for getting sued.
You think the employer doesn’t know that. They would make it hard to prove that that is the reason for the termination.
Many out of town schools have on-site babysitting. You don’t need a lot of space for it necessarily. If there’s a will – there’s a way!
great idea!! im in full time learning and my wife full time working, so the morning and afternoon babysitting hustle is pretty hectic! maybe B.M.G should offer such a service, now wouldnt that be great!!
many chassidish girls schools have been doing this for years, it works pretty simply the school provides a small room , a local momy is offered the job, and she deals directly w the teachers they pay her and usually its 5-6 babies, and its simple the school is not involved except a bit of cleaning help and takes a bit of food from school
even if only BMG does it, already the problem will be 80% better!
Another idea, start school at nursery not primary– less drop offs= less traffic!
I friend of mine who is an Entrepreneur in another city started a Daycare for boys.
It’s called “Rosh Yeshivas in training”
There are 2 reasons it’s so popular.
1. It’s run out of a large converted motorhome so the daycare can drive around & pick-up & drop-off kids at home &
or work. It’s also convenient to take the kids to the park for fresh air & to park outside a Bais Medrash to allow these budding Talmedei Chachamim to soak up the Kedusha emanating from the Yeshiva.
2. The biggest draw & reason for its success is they offer a 100% money back guarantee. Yes it’s unheard of but it’s really true. If by the time your son turns 70 they are not a Rosh Yeshiva of a major Yeshiva you can apply for a FULL REFUND!!!
[Testimonial from Mrs. Hebrewbergstein (shortened from “Hebrewbergsheckelstein” to not sound so Jewish): It’s really a win-win for me. When I’m 94 I’ll either be bragging about my son the R’Y or using the refund to buy a condo in Miami Beach. I can’t lose!]
I suggest local businessmen jump on the bandwagon sooner than later to purchase a franchise before they’re all gone in the Lakewood area.
Bais Yaakov of Baltimore provides that service for it’s teachers