To all my dear yidden, I am a 16 year old boy who deserves to be happy and frum just like you.
Is it my fault that my upbringing was seeing my father abusing my mother and us children? Is it my fault that Gemara was always bitter to me, because my rebbi never understood my struggles at home, and instead made me feel like a total failure? Is it my fault that when I asked questions to understand yiddishkeit, I was humiliated instead of getting answers?
Tough questions, right?… But Hashem gave me the answers to all of the above. He gave me a yeshivah where EVERYTHING is the opposite of my earlier experiences. He gave me Rabbi Flam, whose unconditional love erases the conditional love I experienced. He gave me classes that engage me instead of distancing me. He gave me fun and trips in place of abuse and horror. Why am I writing all this? Because now the yeshivah is in financial jeopardy. I CANNOT think of going back to my old life.
Please help Yeshivah of Morganville keep up their unbelievable work. Thank you for reading.
I know first hand how this yeshiva has literally saved the lives of these boys. It’s true pikuach nefesh!! Yiddishe brothers and sisters, please open up your hearts and wallets to save these precious broken neshamos!
I personally know the boy’s in this yeshiva. Rabbi Flam is doing great things there. You should have a lot of success with this fundraiser,and keep up the great work.
Dear letter writer.
I am not going to say anything about this Yeshiva, because I know nothing about it.
But what I will tell you is, that I feel your pain the way you grew up.
I don’t know exactly what things you went through, but it sounds very bad.
Let me tell you something.
I grew up in the worst situation possible.
I have seen therapists and they were wondering how I made it out FRUM.
Don’t give up there are good people out there that love to help, and one day you would look back and say to yourself.
Wow I really did this.
I really grew from the situation that I went through.
Stay strong!!!!!!!
Dear letter writer,
I too know nothing about this yeshiva. But I do know an awful lot of growing up in an abusive environment. People hear the word abuse and they fail to recognize that abuse does a whole lot more than being physically and/or sexually attacked. Abuse attacks the entire sense of self. How we view ourself. How we view life. How we relate to Hashem and to yiddishkeit. The horrors of a child being utterly helpless in the hands of evil caregivers is so real and so absolutely terible. Unforgivable.
I am an adult now. And I have spent almost 10 years in therapy and tens of thousands of dollars to heal. And today I am overcome with gratitude for my life and I for remaining frum through it all.
I have discovered who I am and hiw to live. And I wish the same for you…
I am so so happy for you that you have this Yeshiva and I hope and pray that this fundraiser be effective. I wish I would’ve had that when I was younger…
And I send you love and support as you continue on your journey toward discovering who you really are. Because you truly are a precious lovable and worthy himan being. And you are so so so much more than your childhood of being a victim.