LETTER: Lakewood BOE President Barry Iann Pens Letter to Gov. Christie: I Pray it will Not take the Death of a Child before Gravity of Problem is Addressed

letter 1The attached letter addressed to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie comes on the heels of a letter the Board President sent to the Department of Education earlier this month.


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  1. We don’t need letters we need answers . Why is it that none of our state level elected officials have the decency to even respond to the crisis . Their silence is almost as troubling as the actions of the monitor

  2. We need a petition started where we all sign promising not to reelect any incumbent unless they show a true effort to fix this problem. uf they arent in office for this sort of issue, then what for. What they care about most is getting reelected. Lakewood is a nice size voting block and we can show them that can’t just ignore us when there is a real issue.
    When it’s time for elections, those running will show up and say whatever they think we wanna hear. Now that we have a real issue, the silence is deafening

  3. Ha. Christie is playing us. Who is behind the state monitor? Who just announced a 9 BILLION dollar education budget which is a major raise? Want to bet Lakewood won’t see an additional penny? But don’t worry, our taxes will be raised to cover all the other cities raises in New Jersey.

  4. What I don’t understand is what is supposed to be with the parents jobs midyear, how is everyone supposed to rearrange work schedules (if even possible at all) with a few weeks notice. The letter supposedly sent out January 28th about courtesy bussing being stopped only came to me yesterday on February 16th and it says they will send out bussing cards to determine if my child is still getting bussing or not, but at this rate I will get that after the bussing stops and i have no way to determine if my child is still getting bussing or not. What are the parameters to determine if getting bussing or not, my child lives within 2 miiles of school but am i expected to have my child cross New Hampshire/Cedarbridge where there is no sidewalks, crosswalks??

  5. I truely hope that the state changes its formula as its totally unfair and that Christie gets his act together. But guys why should they? Politicians only doing things if it helps them. Who exactly stands to gain in Trenton by changing the formula. Christie ain’t running in 2017 due to term limits. He would much rather not raise taxes or balance the budget on the backs of NJ citzens than take care of this and many other NJ messes. While its a nice idea to pen letters and sign petitions I see no incentive for action. It may be wiser to find another way to tackle this.

  6. what happened to our state elected officials

    why arent their offices flooded with phone calls what theyre doing onbehalf of their 11,000 children of their district left without bus service in middle of the year?
    and asked what theyre doing to get the state to honor their previously agrred upon signed contracts

    i think its time for each one of us to not rely on others but to do what each of us on a personal level is able to do

  7. Please remember if you register your children in the Public School system they will be riding on buses with non Jewish Children, Boys and Girls on the same bus, non Kosher food served for lunch and lastly leave your Torah at home Religion is not taught in Public Schools.
    And your children will be going to neighborhood schools where they can walk to like in New York Public Schools so busing will not be an issue at all any more, it’s a total win win for everybody!

    Wait until you get the tax bill for all the new Public School students and that will still not solve the busing problem

    So good luck with that plan.

  8. We need to enroll every child in public schools. They will not have room And. Beg us to use courtesy bussing. Problem solved.
    The trick is the schools need to announce they will close unless there is bussing. Then everyone sign up for march 1st. And you will see real action by the governor.

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