I know that for a lot of conservatives, the fact that President Trump acknowledged that he will be leaving the White House on January 20th is crushing.
Many Republicans believe that Trump represented their values and that his being succeeded by Joe Biden, whose party also has control of the House of Representatives and Senate will lead to progressive policies that undo Trump’s accomplishments.
I understand all that; I get it. But I don’t think Donald Trump was the conservative you might think he was. We put all our eggs in his basket, threw our full-throated support behind him, yet he didn’t deliver on so many key areas that he easily could have, and on top of that, he did a lot that we should be very upset about.
A few of those bad are: he added 8+ trillion to the national debt, with that debt rising 42% while he was in office. Yes, the coronavirus pandemic had something to do with that, but he was adding trillions to the debt even before that. When campaigning for president he promised to eliminate the national debt. Not only did he not do that, he increased it tremendously even though the US was not at war and the economy was booming. That is perhaps his most anti-conservative failure as president. And there’s a lot more. He failed to build the wall on the border with Mexico – a promise he made and was his top priority coming into office. He pulled the US from 13 international organizations, making it more difficult for the US to work with other countries; he mismanaged the COVID response and denied its seriousness, despite it having killed hundreds of thousands of Americans and nearly leading to an economic collapse. He visited his properties over 400 times as president, charging the US government at least $20 million for those visits. And he told at least 26,000 lies as president, as compiled by those who follow his statements and claims. And, worst of all, he encouraged his own supporters to attack the seat of power in Washington, DC, in an attempt to overturn an election that he clearly lost.
How is any of this remotely conservative? Hint: It’s not.
Yes, I want a conservative in the White House. But I want an actual conservative, someone who will really make conservative values and priorities his or her agenda. There are plenty of such conservatives. But I worry that President Trump’s brand of conservatism – more bark than bite – has overtaken the Republican party and will lead to a fake form of conservatism for years to come.
My hope is that now that President Trump is leaving the White House, the Republican party will be different. It will continue to not stand for the garbage and double-sidedness of the mainstream media, but will also elevate individuals who have real conservative credentials, rather than just being billionaires who were Democrats before they ran for office.
I’ll take the good that came with Trump’s presidency. But I am happy he is gone, and I hope we can start healing.
(TLS welcomes your letters by submitting them to [email protected])
Your letter does not even deserve a response besides the fact that you are a moron. All I would say is that President Trump has been the greatest president in the history of this country, and he has done more for the Jews then anybody else.
His one and only failure was that he did not push his people to do more when it came to invading the capital last week.
The only the only thing Democrats understand is a smack on the head therefore there is absolutely no reason that he backed down and only because he back down are the Republicans going to get crushed.
You are out of your mind.
it look like a lot of people wont make the money trump promise, lol.not to mention how sick you are j says and the violence you mention tells me the kind of ignorant you are. good day,
you are so ignorant
I’m not happy. I don’t care what you say and all the things you don’t like. The dems are evil animals they will destroy this economy and our freedom.
We must stop these evil fascist tyrants.
I’m not happy. I don’t care what you say and all the things you don’t like. The dems are evil animals they will destroy this economy and our freedom.
We must stop these evil fascist tyrants.
This naïve letter same old rubbish full of lies.
How does TLS allow this kind of speech. This commentator just called me, my father, my grandfather and great grandfather an “evil animal.” I vote for my party, just as two-thirds of Americans, because it is my family tradition. American parties do not have dogmas. There are conservative, moderates and liberals in both. Parties are election oriented not issue oriented. I have no relatives that want to destroy the economy or freedom. This kind of talk is ignorant and hateful.
I agree with you 1000 percent.
Never ever call a human being an evil animal. His comment will one day backfire big time.
I’m glad too.
He brought so much animosity and controversy to the table, but if you think there’s gonna be healing…sure on the squad’s terms.
Hoki dokey
Wow your really detached from reality
I am sorry to announce Trump isn’t responsible for attack take look at this Nancy Pelosi planned this entire planned. 1. The election fraud 2. The capital police officer should go home earlier. 3. Impeachment.. Wake up America this is facts !! She is one planned for last 4 year of Trump time ..
True, but you left out the most important point. Conservative, Liberal, Progressive, none of this will matter four years from now, but one hundred years from now, the attack upon Congress will be remembered and on one dark day in the future, it will be repeat, not just with the riff-raff Neo-Nazis as in 2021, but with armed thugs. The genie is out of the bottle. People, we have just witnessed history far more consequential than even the Kennedy assassination. It will sink in.
This is a bunch of doomsday nonsense.
Yes, it was bad.
All riots are bad.
Again, ALL. even the ones you agreed with. And of all the riots of recent this was the smallest one.
And of all the riots of recent, this is the only one not tolerated by those in the media and on the left.
Its been condemned by everyone. on all sides.
Everyone involved should be put in jail.
That being said, even the news cycle is moving on.
“It’s worse than watergatekennedyassasinationpearlharborkristelnachtandotherbadthings” is just an inflammatory word salad.
We were told this about so many days in the last 4 years that I cant remember any of them.
Why don’t you have enough courage to give your name to this so-called outspoken letter?
because we’re waiting for your last name phone and adress. Moron.
You are no conservative, Trump has been the most conservative president ever, even if in some things he wasnt, 450 miles of new border wall has been built, religious freedom was amade a priority, international orginizations are mostly leftwing anti american and pro dictatorships, leaving is the best thing that can be done, only liberals support these anti american dictatorial organizations, Trump did all that could be done with covid, with his travel bans and his leavung it to the states as to what to do because federal mandates would be unconstitutional, also with his operation warp speed which has given us 2 vaccines and another 3 on the way in less than a year, which all his critics claimed would need a miracle to happen, the so called fact checkers you are relying on are anti trump liars who consider hyperbole and exaggeration as lies when trump makes them but they lie and obfuscate when xemocrtas tell actual lies by claiming they were taken out of context or some other garbage, anyone believing leftwing fact checkers is not a conservative, you want a liberal in the white house, well you got one, enjoy.
You have not answered any of the points in the letter.
Building a wall is not a conservative thing to do. It is just a foolish thing to do, because the undocumented immigrants rarely come through the desert or land. They come through a border and overstay their welcome.
International organizations exist. Leaving them does not close them down, rather it prevents America from having an influence on them, leaving them all powerful.
Trump did not do all he could with Covid. He downplayed, influencing his followers to ignore it and to follow the foolish ‘medical’ advice of covid deniers.
He also never instated a travel ban from affected area, he just instated a travel ban for people of one race. That did not work and never had a chance of working.
He fought against the states, by bidding against them for PPE, driving up the price and preventing people from having PPE until it was too late.
Warp speed gave us one vaccine, not two. And the Trump administration refused to pre-order the vaccine from Pfizer, leaving America at the end of the line when it came to vaccinating its citizens. Most Western countries have a better system than the US, and the Trump administration is to blame for at least half of that.
Trump is a liar and his administration is based on liars, dolts, ignoramuses and lightweights.
We don’t have a liberal in the white house, we will have a pragmatist in the white house, someone who knows what facts are and how to deal with them. Boruch Hashem.
Biden the pragmatist. Moving into the future by hiring all the people from the past.
Well said!
Some of the commenters here seem not to have actually read a word you write, sufficing with a reaction to the title.
I personally am not a conservative. But I don’t even understand why a conservative should be happy with Trump. He made America weaker in the world, our allies are looking for substitutes for us, and we are getting less and less relevant to the world’s affairs.
The increase in the national debt helped nobody in the country, the rich were rich enough and the poor stayed poor.
He is an embarrassment to all of us.
Are we taking guesses on who wrote this ridiculous letter.
I’m gonna go with Ezra Friedlander.
i wish he would have sent those black wednesday thugs against the religion fakers in iran then the world would have been alot safer both in teheran and in washington
Now, I don’t want to personally attack this letter writer, but he’or she has got their head in the sand. President Trump was the greatest conservative president in many decades and possibly even greater than Reagan. He had tremendous respect for family and religion and governed with these values. He placed 3 conservative judges on the high court, and promoted and enacted a unique and creative peace plan in the Mideast. He also stymied North Koreas brazen provocations and put Iran off balance and choking financially. He forced increased spending by our NATO partners. China was finally paying a heavy price for their past and current bad behavior and they were petrified of more of that coming their way should Trump have been re-elected. True, there were disappointments, most notably his fiscal approach. But don’t forget it was the dems who forced his hand by dragging out a government shutdown until he agreed to sign their budgetary demands involving increased spending. This president is a fighter like we’ve never seen in a president. He was attacked and plotted to be overthrow with fake libels from the outset of his presidency – no other president could have survived what he did, and all the while continuing to do the people’s business. Last weeks attack on the capital was just as much the responsibility of the left, they have incited violence with their incendiary rhetoric and injected hate into the political dialogue from the onset of trumps presidency. Let’s not forget the last 3.5 years and get caught up in the events of the last 2 months.
With regard to your dreams for your next republican president- keep dreaming. That guy is a fiction of your imagination, has never and will never exist. Conservatives just don’t know how to fight and therefore are constantly outmuscled by the forces of the left along with their media mouth pieces.
I never really liked the man but was able to tolerate him because of all the good he did for the Yidden, the country, the way he didn’t make himself into a doormat for the media to walk all over (unlike George Bush), and what he did for Israel. However things have really gotten out of hand since the elections and I can’t wait to see him GONE and things go back to normal. Unfortunately it seems that many TLS readers are brainwashed by ‘right-wing’ (self-serving) talk show-hosts and news sites and are blinded as to what a terrible and dangerous person he is. Has he been one of the best presidents for Yidden? Yes. Will Joe Biden be able to match that? NO. But that does not take away from the fact that he is a dangerous person and a jerk to boot.
You have a point and there was a lot of good he did and some bad. But to say he is an embarrassment to us I think is a little overboard. If you look back from the beginning he was in the news everyday, literally. Most of the time it was left wing media bashing everything he did. And when he delivered on what he said he would do they found something else wrong. The democrats and the left wing media or big tech was after him until no end. (Even some republicans were against him. Now I think it was because as an outsider never involved in politics there was too much dirt he saw and they didn’t want him there.) But if you think about it most things he tried to do the democrats were against him, very few times were they with him. Now I don’t think any president was in the media as much as him. Even if you say it was because he tweeted every day, it was because the media would twist his words or just would just pick and choose what they wanted to say from him. And from the beginning he didn’t have quiet, from the russia scandal to the impeachment, every day was something else.
I think that for trying to deal with all this going on day in and day out he did a pretty decent job.
Now talking about what happened with the capital, it could be he got them riled up but I don’t think he said or implied to attack the capital. And as for his conversations with the AG of Georgia that could be wasn’t so ok, but they don’t think there is a big enough case to impeach him. (Besides I think there was some evidence that there was foul play with the election, but of course no one on the left would hear of it.)
But the biggest embarrassment I think is how all the social media outlets and big tech companies were able to ban him over literally stupid things and you have all other real violent people writing things all day and inciting violence. It just shows how much of a grip they have over everyone and even the politicians that no one can shut them down or tell them that they can’t do that.
That is the biggest embarrassment and we the people are the biggest losers of all.
Thank you. I agree. I am too hopeful that we can have a real Republican, with conservative values in the White House in 2024.
Biden Won stop crying! Biden 2024! And Vp Harris is next! First Choco Woman President ???????????????????????? God Bless America !!!
Would you rather someone who lies all the time about unimportant things or someone who actually affects ur life. “policy vs rhetoric “ trump has done more for Jews than anybody , why do I care if he lies about the weather
Because sometimes lying about the weather can be deadly. Like if a governor lies about an impending hurricane and people die because there was no precautions in place.
And lying that there are good people on both sides in Charlottesville can embolden neo nazis and can be deadly.
And lying that Covid Is overdone can be deadly.
And lying that masks don’t work can be deadly.
And lying that there was massive election fraud can be deadly. Like we saw on Jan 6.
1 To make someone responsible for others getting emboldened because u decided that he embraced them is backwards logic
What’s worse sending sick patients to nursing homes directly infecting the vulnerable ,or downplaying the virus with the intention that people shouldn’t lose their minds and do dangerous things like send sick people to nursing homes or making it illegal to resuscitate patients in cardiac arrest lawsuits both which were the law in ny for over a month
When u say masks “work” do have a specific definition of “work” there is no study that definitively describes how effective it is so depending on ur definition work and not work are the same , also he never said they don’t work
4 let’s assume for a second there was election fraud is he wrong for being outraged and what would be worse denying 350million the legal president or indirectly causing the death of one ? at some point you have to admit that one isn’t as responsible for indirect casualties than direct. and if U ask why Would one think there was fraud without evidence I would answer that if you truly believe that trump is as bad as hitler which seems to the case because we can’t even wait one week before he leaves, then committing fraud would be the right thing to do. now if we assume that there wasn’t fraud is he still wrong for thinking there was
B”h good riddance.
As good as he was to Jews he was a disaster for democracy.
We expect more from the “am chacham venavon” than to repeat the nonsense of the far-right talk show hosts (or the far-left for that matter).
Biden and Harris will not win in 2024 we will get the republicans back as president and we refuse to vot for Democratic in congress or Senator next 2 years we change it back to republicans. We aren’t voting for election fraud situation and truth is when fraud happen it not ok for election to be processed again. We are the people of freedom of speech and it not ok to hurt president for last 4 years. The democratic are one who acted burned heated and did you see how clam President Trump. When Nancy Pelosi ripped the paper behind his back ?? Think about it how would you feel being abused by Democrat??
When you finish vacationing in utopia and get back to the real world… write us another letter won’t you…. until then, happy trails to you… don’t run over any unicorns.
We need lots of rachamei shomayim. Now that the liberals have taken over the entire government and these nut-jobs who attacked the Capitol brought the chance of a Republican branch of government in the future down to almost 0, our children will be growing up in a society where denying that a man could give birth and other simple facts such as that will be considered hate speech. This country is not far from where the dor hamabul was and r”l our youngsters will drink the cool aid ch”v
Would you rather use a dr with bad bedside manner but a great doc or would you rather use a dr with good bedside manner but a lousy doc?
Who cares how he spoke. He said it like it is. He didnt speak “Politiceese” like the others who would lie to your face. You knew exactly what was on his mind most of the time.
He came into office with a list of things and BH he was able to accomplish most of them until Chinese Wuhan Virus and the democrats loving themselves more than the loved the country. He filled over 200 judges who BEH will rule according to the Constitution unlike the leftist judges.
With HKBH’s help, he left EY in a far better position than ever before. With the countries that have normalized relations, BEH the ones in the pipeline will come thru and then perhaps even more because they will see how good the others have it.
We need lots of rachamei shomayim to get thru the next 4 years and we need to remember that “layv malochim v’sorim b’yad HaSh-m,” that it is ALL from Shomayim.
Let us be zoche to Moshiach Tzidkaynu b’korov and in the meantime hopefully, the Dummycrats will continue to show everyone how unhinged they really are.
He said it like it is?!?!? He doesn’t have any clue ‘how it is’!
How is “it will disappear like magic ‘how it is’?
You seem to live in dystopia.
This is Facts Nancy Pelosi and Schumer and other Democrat and Republicans planned to Hurt Trump. Here Facts they purposely made Mail in Ballots to take advantage of fake mail ballots. They planned to make votes triple to defeat the President Trump votes. They planned that President should not be able defeat the Court Cases. They planned that Lighten the Police security around congress building so Trump protestor can break in . I am 100 percentage this was their plans . So media can make it so bad for Trump. Don’t you see the picture clearly . I am !! Now Trump is doing great job in Peaceful process and he made no war for last 4 years. The only Republicans did this. You don’t see how much peaceful process he had done.
The pharmacy has plenty of medication, all you need to do is ask.
I appreciate the wording of your comment. Your words were not hurtful, they were not damaging. You chose an easy, gentle and soft comment.
It’s interesting that you imitate the optional capitalization that our sitting President chooses to use. Either you don’t have a grasp of written English or it’s merely a way you fawn over the sitting President.
Too much Bettul Torah spend on jews being involved in something they have 0 power over it’s a nonsense of a hubby
our prayers are listened to in Heaven and even when we sit to drink and wish lechayim that helps for all over the world
The letter writer is clearly an old timey reublican who’d prefer the hood ol days of george bush and other george bush.
Seeking a conservative utopia is nice but the fact is that in terms of conservative governance, trump was excellent.
There are many issues with him and yes the national debt is a real failure on his part. But your dream of a conservative utopia is now further away than ever with the levers of power in Kamala’s hands.
You are snubbing your nose at the good because it isnt the perfect.
And lets face it, she will president. Joe wont be able to find his way out of bed.
I like know where you have evidence that Trump commanded that his protestor should break in the congress building?? Did anyone say anything when White House was under attack??? No one did .,I don’t know why no one is blaming Nancy Pelosi for delaying the coronavirus payments for 8 months??? No one blaming congress on the election fraud?? No one is blaming the republicans on election fraud?? I don’t get this nonsense?? Anyone want bring proof that Donald Trump actually told his protestor to attack the congress building?? I see no evidence at all.
its a gezeira that trump is leaving. From a spiritual perspective its a gezeira
I agree with J, the 1st poster. This opinion article doesn’t even deserve a response. Ill go a step further, I understand the writer wants to stay anonymous, however, TLS should require the writer to at least post his age. I think this guy is, like, 11.
Click bait
An infiltrator from the democrat gangster party whose strongest argument is the national debt ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I’m sure this renegade returned his/her stimulus check.
I’m FULLY disgusted and offended with the lakewood scoop for posting and giving platform to this letter that hd 0 basis… whoever wrote this letter obviously does NOT see the goods that Trump has done for our country and as a friend and oihev Yisrael I take great offense with lakewood scoop. I will cease to read lakewood scoop and so will many others if that letter is not removed fast!!!
Do you really think that Hashem wants us to make threats like that?
Maybe Hashem will appreciate it and help us a lot if we speak more nicely more gently and with a much softer approach.
The Almighty will help all of us Jewish or Non-Jewish if we try to communicate with one another in a friendly manner and friendly tone.
Food for Thought:
Maybe after all, Reb Yaakov Kamenetsky may his memory be blessed was
right when he said that statement about “We are not the host”.
I think you are in denial. Trump was replaced by criminals. The thugs were paid protestors by the democrats to stop the action of undoing certification. They are like Germans. I think you do not want to see that we are in America and the host county is changed. Our liberties are going to be reduced and there will be no conservatives in the loaded Supreme Court for Agudas Yisroel to go and appeal laws against our mitza observance. I think you are in fantasy land not because you are dumb, but because you emotionally cannot handle the detrimental effects that are coming ….
How much do they pay you to write such comments?
trump 2020 2024 2028 2032 2036 2040 2044 WE LOVE TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
some ppl always complain and blame others
always complaining about their spouses kids schools teachers jobs neighbors inlaws etc
your just one bitter person that isn’t happy with your life mainly due to the lack of recognition you expected to get from ppl hence u write this letter as an attempt to get some attention tho u didn’t anticipate negative attention sorry for your sorrowful life May Hashem grant you the siechal to recognize his goodness
To say that he failed the pandemic is total ignorance. He handled the situation as he saw fit. It’s a very fine line what he had to do. I want to see if Biden could do a better job. Trump even got the vaccine out in record time. So to say he failed is totally unfair of you.
Breaking News FBI in Virginia knew about the Attack in Congress Building and Alerted it ?? Why nothing happened?? Where were national Guards?? This could’ve been prevented anc now I find it not President Trump Responsible about this situation at all. He shouldn’t be impeached at all.