I was driving passed the Lakewood High School this morning, and what I saw really bothered me.
I witnessed multiple students walking alone wearing a mask outdoors. Why would students be wearing a mask outdoors, while walking alone, in almost 80 degree weather?
To me, this doesn’t seem to be a precaution, I truly believe people have been brainwashed. At this point, there’s more of a risk of running into longterm mental issues than contracting Covid. (Trust me, if Murphy thought there was a chance of contracting Covid by walking outside alone, he would have long banned it.)
School administrators and staff should have a word with the students so they feel secure and not paranoid.
An observer.
(TLS welcomes your letters by submitting them to [email protected])
Maybe they wear masks in the home too, the same air comes in every time they open the door…
Good Morning
welcome to earth ,where have you been ?
its not just high school students in 80 degress alone its going on all over the world!
did you write a similar letter when , at the height of the pandemic, when people were dying, most of Lakewood disregarded medical advice and did not wear masks? including extremely crowded chasunahs?
Masks are no longer required in Lakewood public school so I guess these kids (or thier parents) are just overly cautious
Answer. Yes
You can say the same for the people driving alone in their cars wearing a mask. It’s next level brain washed.
And you bet I see that numerous times everyday. But when you begin to see how crazy this world is I am not surprised. You dare use a plastic bag but you can kill an unborn child no problem… there are millions of such things in a world and country gone mad!!!
Maybe they have pollen or other allergies. Maybe they are protecting themselves from the high particulate count today from the fires in south Jersey. Until you ask someone why they are doing something such as this you really have no right to comment on why they are doing it. Maybe they were all wondering why you were driving by the HS today looking at them.
Wow. I’m Soooooo Happy for you.
This is the one and only thing “bothering you”.
Your way ahead of all other people who have many things bothering them.
I really really wish I can be you..
It’s been said that in the past a person’s mental health status was between him and his therapist.
Now the mask tells the tale….
Lol, I thought this letter would be about abortion or inflation. Why are we still talking about masks???
Their bus drivers from Jay’s are also wearing masks in a bus without air condition… Maybe they ask the children to wear as well…
in my opinion there should be a law that every bus must have air condition, we are busy with don’t leave children in the car in hot weather, why should a bus be different?
I see it in Israel as well, even after the mask rule was lifted. mostly not, but some people yes. the whole world became hypochondriacs. Mir ken machen the ganze velt meshugeh.
Some have gotten used to it and it makes them feel secure. Where I live I’d say 50% wear a mask in the stores. They’re not telling anyone else to do it, so who cares?
I don’t agree with you, in a store with people is not like walking outside alone, not even close
I’m still masking and sometimes it’s just easier not to take my mask off. I would suggest the letter writer mind his own business and consider not jumping to (silly and erroneous) conclusions.
Or as others would say, you do you, I’ll do me. See how easy that is?
I think it has been proven that most masks are not effective unless they are the medical type. I don’t care what others do as long as I don’t have to wear a mask.
Could be the kid came from a doctor’s office where it’s required and spaced out and forgot to take it off outside. I’ve done that and only realized I was still wearing my mask when people were staring at me.
I hope he is ok
NEWSFLASH: contrary to what some people still think, dangerous Covid is OVER.
Unless someone is medically compromised in which case exposing themselves to any number of germs and viruses could be dangerous, NO ONE is dying of covid.
It’s as yucky as a bad cold yet as innocent as a bad cold…
That being said, if some people feel better or more secure wearing masks, suit yourself. Obviously I have no intentions of wearing one myself.
There are all types and stripes in this world…
Firstly, I recently saw Lkwd public school kids and they were mostly masked, I assume the school still requires it. Secondly, I agree with anonymous. The kid was wearing it indoors and forgot to take it off. If you’ve worn a mask all day for two years, you are probably used to it and don’t feel it. Personally I find them really uncomfortable, stuffy and hard to breath in, but I have had times when I walked out of the doctor’s office and realized five minutes later that it is still on.
I totally agree with MK and people going shopping even when they have covid. Nobody cared abt the next person and the unfortunately still don’t
Very sad
Maybe it’s called allergies, you know what they say about assuming!
I teach in a public elementary school. After the mask restriction was removed, I was the only one in the whole school to unmask. Teachers explained to me they are still afraid to unmask because they may contract the disease (everyone was vaxxed except me), and the students keep it on due to fear mongering from both parents and teachers. It is very sad.